Medical Intuitive and Energy Healer for the Mind, Body, and Soul
Isn’t it awe-inspiring?
Take a moment to consider this: you are a miracle—utterly unique, a one-of-a-kind marvel. Far more than just a double strand of DNA in a fertilized ovum, you are a living testament to something vast, something beyond us all, yearning to express itself through life.
It began with you as a single cell—a zygote—carrying a double-stranded DNA molecule, a precious gift blending one set from each parent. From that humble origin, your body unfolded. Dividing some 50 times, you’ve grown into an adult with an estimated 30 to 40 trillion cells—more than all the stars in the Milky Way, where estimates range from 100 billion to 200 billion.
Each of those cells is a powerhouse, performing over a trillion tasks every second—metabolism, protein synthesis, signaling, and so much more. And your heart? Can you guess how often it beats? About 100,000 times a day, totaling 300 million beats across a lifetime. Your breaths? You draw in 23,000 each day, 12 to 20 times a minute, a quiet rhythm of life.
Every second, your body creates 2 to 3 million new cells. Daily, it replaces 200 to 300 billion cells—think of it: 2 to 3.5 million fresh beginnings in the blink of an eye. Your brain alone houses 86 billion neurons, sparking thoughts, dreams, and wonders. Your blood vessels, if stretched end to end, could wrap around the Earth two and a half times. Your lungs pull in over 11,000 liters of air each day. And that DNA you started with? Unraveled, it would stretch to the moon and back 156,000 times!
You are a living symphony of complexity, a miracle unfolding every moment. Do take a deep breath and keep reading! You are here for a reason.
Deepak Chopra famously stated, “Modern medicine, for all its advances, knows less than 10% of what your body knows instinctively”.
Meet Dr. Sarah Larsen
Dr. Sarah Larsen, MD is a medical intuitive, psychic medium, public speaker, and business consultant, to high-impact entrepreneurs and visionaries. She is an ordained interfaith minister from All Paths Divinity School. She is a founder of Miracle Makers Academy and podcast. Dr. Larsen believes in service. Her service to the March of Dimes began in Albany, GA in 3rd grade. She volunteered at a home for the elderly in 7th grade in New Orleans East.
She became a doctor to help those who couldn’t receive medical help around the world! Her love of service came from her Father, Mother, and Grandparents love for Mohandas Gandhi style activism!
She actively loves, serves, and has ongoing service projects with Agape Spiritual Center, Kuumba in Motion, Whispers from the Children’s Hearts, Unstoppable Foundation, Weeat2live, and Saffyre Sanctuary.
Ancient wisdom and her family have taught her how to truly live “One Love” and truly follow the same principles. Dr. Sarah’s education as a healer began with her grandmother in rural Pakistan. She received a degree as a medical doctor from the Medical University of the Americas.
Her approach to intuitive healing is described as merging ancient wisdom, modern science, and spirituality for optimal living and completion of your soul’s journey. Dr. Sarah is a transformational guide who inspires and empowers you to live purposely and powerfully. Her work transforms people’s lives very rapidly. She is a world-class speaker, entrepreneur, and visionary, whose work unites the world of business with essential wisdom of mind/body/Spirit.
Have you considered…
Running from the world doesn’t free you from it—it ties you tighter to its grip. You sidestep reality in all sorts of clever ways, don’t you? That sidestepping is really you fighting what’s happening right now.
The dreamer with grand visions, the brainy type with endless theories, the one swept away by emotions, the pious soul, even the hustler chasing worldly wins—they’re all pushing back against life as it is, each in their own lane.
And because of that, nothing ever truly transforms; you stay stuck, spinning in place. You’re raised this way, from your toddler tantrums to your last breath, trained to dodge and defend.
It’s not an Eastern habit or a Western quirk—it’s just human, beyond borders or labels like European, Asian, or American.
So here’s the real puzzle:
Can you live every single day without bracing yourself, without shutting down?
Can you be open—fragile, alive, electric—and still handle the daily slog?
Take Emma, a starry-eyed idealist in her twenties. You see her always dreaming of a flawless life—perfect job, perfect love, perfect health. When her boyfriend snaps at her over dinner, you notice she doesn’t feel the sting; she drifts into a fantasy where he’s kinder, where everything’s smooth.
She’s dodging the real tension, and you can bet it festers. Soon, you hear her stomach churning with ulcers, a burning knot she blames on stress—but you know it’s her refusal to face the messy now that’s eating her from the inside.
Then there’s Vikram, a sharp-minded professor who lives in his head. When his sister calls, upset about their aging parents, you see he doesn’t sit with her worry. You catch him dissecting it instead: “It’s just biology, aging is inevitable.” He’s dodging the ache of family strain with logic, building a mental fortress. But you notice his blood pressure creeping up, spiking with every avoided feeling, his heart racing from the tension you know he won’t name.
This habit of pushing away what’s real doesn’t just stay inside—it spills out. When you wall yourself off, you split the world into “me” and “them,” and that divide poisons everything—your relationships, your communities, even your nations. Your inner battles turn outward, into shouting matches with your spouse, cold wars with your neighbors, or bigger rifts over faith and flags.
Look at Amina, a deeply religious woman who prays for calm but bristles when her coworker questions her beliefs. You see her cling to her faith like armor, resisting the unease of doubt. The conflict simmers inside, and soon you find her plagued by migraines—throbbing headaches born from the clash you know she won’t face.
So, can you live differently in this messy, loud world? Can you stop dodging, stop fighting what’s here?
Reality is always alive, pulsing in the moment—rage flaring up, sorrow sinking in, or a quick spark of happiness.
But you drag the past along like a shadow—“You’ve been hurt before”—or lean into tomorrow—“It’ll get better soon.”
That’s how you skip what’s actually happening.
Consider Jamal, who got laid off last week. You see him furious, slamming doors, snapping at his wife.
But instead of feeling that anger, you watch him replay the boss’s smug face or dream of landing a better gig to prove them wrong.
He’s dodging the heat of the moment, and you can tell his chest tightens with it—stress-induced asthma creeping in, his breaths shallow from the fight you know he won’t let go.
Or think of Priya, reeling from her best friend’s death.
You could see her drown it in Netflix, or hear her tell herself “Time heals,” or watch her beat herself up for not visiting more.
All ways you know she’s ducking the grief. Instead, what if you saw her just look at it—raw, heavy, tearing at her—without running?
You’d notice her resistance showing up as insomnia now, nights spent tossing, her body restless from the sorrow you see she won’t meet. The truth—anger, pain, even joy—moves through you if you let it.
But when you shove it aside, it digs in deeper, carving out ulcers, headaches, tight lungs.
Each person (names and pictures changed) here represents someone that is unique just like your eyes, ears, DNA, fingerprints.
“Scientists have calculated the odds of you being born. That’s right. They’ve crunched the numbers. The odds of you being born at the moment in time you were born, to the parents you were born to, with the DNA structure that you have, one in four hundred trillion! Isn’t that amazing?” Mel Robbins
Each person is amazing yet…
Emma’s ulcers gnaw at her stomach, a silent scream of anguish she can’t voice. Vikram’s high blood pressure pounds in his chest, a relentless drumbeat of stress he’s too proud to release. Amina’s migraines blind her with pain, a storm of trapped tears she refuses to let fall. Jamal’s asthma chokes his every breath, a tightening grip of fear he won’t face. And Priya’s insomnia steals her nights, her body thrashing against a sorrow she buries deep—each toss and turn a plea for peace she denies herself. These aren’t just symptoms; they’re the body’s desperate cries, echoes of emotions locked away, festering beneath the surface. Licensed doctors, with their charts and pills, couldn’t touch the root—because this isn’t just medicine. It’s the heavy toll of resisting reality, a quiet war raging inside them, breaking them down piece by piece.
“One Week, One Investment, One Epigenetic Shift—Forever”
“Before I met Dr. Sarah Larsen, I watched my life unravel in ways I couldn’t explain. My body was breaking under the weight of pain I didn’t know how to face unspoken stress, trapped grief, struggle against fear, and my own fight against a sorrow I couldn’t name. Doctors handed me prescriptions, but the pills couldn’t touch the storm inside. I was drowning, and no one could tell me why.
Then I found Dr. Sarah. She didn’t just see my symptoms—she saw me. With her incredible gift as a medical intuitive, she looked beyond the surface, past the charts and scans, to the emotions I’d buried deep. She showed me that my insomnia, my body’s rebellion, wasn’t just a medical mystery—it was a cry from my soul, a call to stop running from the truth. Through her gentle wisdom, blending ancient healing with modern science, she guided me to face the anger, the pain, and even the flickers of joy I’d locked away. And in that raw, honest space, I began to heal.
Dr. Sarah Larsen is more than a healer—she’s a miracle maker. She’s helped me, and countless others, turn our silent battles into strength, our wounds into wisdom. If you’re tired of fighting your body, if you’re ready to face what’s really holding you back, don’t wait.
Let her help you step into the extraordinary life you deserve—she’s the guide you’ve been searching for.”
— Priya S.
“From Fantasy to Soul: Awaken Your Dreams in New Orleans’ Heart.” The Dreamer’s Awakening Package (For Emma)
Package Description: A 7-day luxury retreat in New Orleans, blending shamanic ceremonies in historic bayous with advanced medical diagnostics in a private, opulent estate.
Includes 6 months of post-retreat coaching to root dreams in the richness of the present.
Retreat Highlights:
Private Shamanic Ceremonies: Conducted in a secluded bayou under ancient cypress trees, using local herbs (e.g., sage, sweetgrass) and drum-led rituals to release avoidance patterns, tapping into New Orleans’ deep spiritual lineage.
One-on-One Healing Sessions: Daily consultations with you, Dr. Sarah Larsen, integrating medical assessments (e.g., gut health scans for ulcers) with shamanic energy work to dissolve tension.
Luxury Southern Experience: Stay at a restored plantation mansion or a 5-star hotel like The Ritz-Carlton New Orleans, featuring Creole gourmet dining, private jazz performances, and spa treatments infused with local botanicals.
Personalized Health Plan: A custom protocol (allopathic or shamanic, Emma’s choice) to heal her physical stress, presented in a handcrafted journal inspired by New Orleans’ artisanal heritage.
Dreams-to-Reality Ritual: A guided experience in the French Quarter’s hidden courtyards, where Emma confronts her fantasies and crafts a grounded vision, blessed by a candlelit ceremony at St. Louis Cathedral and on the mighty Mississippi River.
Academy Component: Weekly guided meditations and “Facing the Now” exercises via your online platform, plus exclusive access to a “Dreamer’s Awakening” module with videos on embracing reality’s pulse.
Why New Orleans Works
Cultural and Spiritual Depth: The city’s blend of African, French, and Native American influences embodies empowerment shamanic approach, offering a potent setting for transformation that rivals Peru’s mystique.
Luxury Appeal: New Orleans boasts upscale accommodations, world-class cuisine, and a vibrant arts scene that feels both indulgent and profound.
Accessible Uniqueness: It delivers an exotic, immersive escape.
Vivid Experience: The sensory richness of New Orleans—jazz, bayou air, Creole flavors—creates a memorable journey, satisfying your desire for something extraordinary.
Geerational trauma transformed into generational joy & legacy!
You are unique and so is the package created for you!
Other packages –
The Intellectual’s Liberation Package (For Vikram) -Mt Shasta, California
The Devotee’s Peace Package (For Amina) -Sicily, Italy
The Fighter’s Resilience Package (For Jamal) -Egypt
The Mourner’s Renewal Package (For Priya) ~Toronto, Canada
Each Package includes
5-star accommodations
private guides
cultural immersion (e.g., meditating in Egyptian temples, shamanic ceremonies in Peru)
He said, and I quote; “There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle. Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
New -yes here you will find a lot of new ideas to you here on this website. For some ideas, please remember to trust yourself.
Remember, the quote by Ram Dass: “We’re all just walking each other home.”
With that Oath – “Do no harm” I began metaphorically walking with Hippocrates and remembering “You are the result of the love of thousands.” Summary of the best of humanity -the best the world has got.
That is you and me. You hold the same frequency and vibrtion of what you are hearing, feeling, and seeing here!
English is not my first language. My first language was “Energy”. I speak several languages and whichever one you love to speak in- wow- I am willing to learn because it helps you!
Would you please be willing to let me know what language you speak or if you spot a mistake on one of these pages! I love getting better and better for life, love; and integrity!
I really want to hear your voice and feel your thoughts about everything you discover here! On that page you can let me know what is going on with you! Thank you!
Thank you for being here now on this page! This website was originally built by clients and friends that insisted on getting this introvert overachiever serviceaholic on larger and larger stages.
Now, you and I are both using what they built as I am now mastering the internet! It is a language that we nerds speak!
This welcome page has been edited by me on Feb 2025. because I am fully engaged in service to you as you read this!
Service can be any of these things we call courage. When you have the courage to be you unapologetically, you give everyone the option to be themselves as well.
For me, I want to thank all of the people who built this website for you. They did it because they discovered being able to extend their life while working with me privately. Jhana Brown, first asked to build a website for me -so you could find solutions for yourself.
My Business partner, father of my kids, and friend, Greg Larsen. with Kathy Divatak, and Ms. Jhana Brown plus so many more people have contributed.
I share this with you because I am very careful with how I spend my time.
The questions you ask yourself are the most important.
Take a moment to ponder the question. What are you willing to receive?
Many people who received “clear guidance” to extend their life are so grateful you are using what was built for you!
I hope you are smiling like I am as I rewrite this page for you today!
We all stand on the shoulders of giants that built the internet. You are not alone.
So much has already been built for you!
Thank you for being willing to receive it!
Thank you for receiving these words as gifts.
What do others say about Dr. Sarah Larsen?
“My sessions with Dr. Sarah Larsen were one of the most extraordinary healing experiences I have ever experienced.
She has an innate ability to scan the body and intuitively diagnose areas in the body that need support via physical touch, nutrition, or emotional support.
I am in the Health and Wellness field and have worked with many health experts and practitioners and I can honestly say that Dr. Sarah is one of the best!
I was in a physical crisis situation a few months ago and Dr. Sarah spent three sessions with me and brought me from an acute place of anxiety to a restored place of physical and emotional balance.
Her nurturing and patient caring was remarkable and I am forever grateful for her support. I highly recommend Dr. Sarah Larsen.”
Dawna Shuman with Robert Kennedy Jr.
Lighthouse Public Relations
Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. is an American environmental lawyer, author, and known found the non-profit environmental group Waterkeeper Alliance in 1999 and has served as the president of its board. Kennedy has co-hosted Ring of Fire, a nationally syndicated radio program, and written or edited ten books, including two New York Times Bestseller. Kennedy is a son of U.S. senator Robert F. Kennedy and a nephew of President John F. Kennedy.
Dawna’s experience truly demonstrates what Deepak says!
“Modern medicine, for all its advances, knows less than 10 percent of what your body knows instinctively.” ~Deepak Chopra
Lina wrote for you what she experienced:
“Dr. Sarah Larsen is the kindest soul I have encountered on this planet in this life time. She is intuitive, kind, sweet, wise, gentle and warm hearted. I have been studying and working with her this year. The first session we had together I was in tears and she brought miracles in right at that session. After the VIP day with her, life is for ever changed, and new dreams and inspirations start to come in. With the group coaching program, after 5 months, so many positive changes have happened in life. So grateful to Dr. Sarah Larsen, the angel and avatar on this planet! 🙂 “
Lina Wang | Associate Director, Deloitte Risk Advisory, London
Clear Guidance + Extend your Life + Grow
You can call her “Doc” or “Sarah” or “Dr. Larsen” if you insist.
Photo Credit: Lorie Stevens Photo of Marianne Williamson with Dr. Sarah Larsen
Please say let me know what you think of this page or ask me a question!
Do you know how incredible your body is? Changing your diet for 3 months can transform 500 genes!
I worked with a genius on her diet.
She is the CEO Integrative Health Conference, Dubai Health Thought Leadership Awards Ceremony plus a Coach Mentor, Speaker curator, and known as a Global Visionary Peak Performance Expert, Author, and founder of WOMEN OF TRUTH.
“Although greatly useful, the limitations in both traditional and alternative or complimentary medicine led me to Dr Sarah. Her powerful skill to read the body mind system holistically offered me solice, reassurance and much needed clarity. She helped guide me back to my own healing intentions vital for the recovery of complex symptoms that I could otherwise find no explanation for…And all with such love and kindness.”
That is Helen Argyrou living in Cyprus
Wow! Bravo for reading more!
Greg Larsen writes:
“Dr. Larsen has training and areas of expertise include Allopathic Medicine (Western), Ayurvedic Medicine (Eastern), Epigenetics, Edgar Cayce Medicine, Gerson Therapy, Homeopathy, Energy Healing & Anthroposophic Medicine.
I met her after she attended Medical Schools, trained in, and taught in the best hospitals in the world: Kasturba Medical College, Manipal India; University of West Indies, Trinidad, and Tobago. She worked for nongovernmental organizations until we became parents. She then went on work in the nonprofit sector building schools for our children to learn nonviolent communication. I have known her since 2003.”
Ms. Donna and Dr. Tracy here with Dr. Larsen in the charity Hospital system of Houma, Louisiana.
A picture from one of “Children’s Day” – Children of all ages come to school and get visits from doctors that become clowns and entertainers to help evaluate and further the wellbeing of children and he whole village! at local schools to help.
Begining in 1995 – Dr. Larsen worked with nongovernment organizations to bring Medicine as quickly as she learned it to those that needed it most!
Dr. Larsen primarily works privately with Celebrities, Healers, and Currently Licensed Doctors.
She is heard around the world on her podcast:
The Hunger Games Star
Isabelle Fuhrman, Stylist, Isabelle’s mother with Dr. Sarah Larsen on the set of Soul Blazing!
We are all proud to be on Soul Blazing with Lisa Haisha on AMAZON PRIME.
Clergy, Doctors, Nurses, Chiropractors, Shamans, Ministers, Celebrities, and Athletes have spread the word about Dr. Sarah Larsen’s work to help fund Mission trips to Inner Cities in the United States, plus Puerto Rico, Egypt. Costa Rica, West Indies, Peru, New Zealand, to name a few locations – all parts of our world!
Pictured below: Tyler, Greg, Dr. Larsen, and Jasmine – They share the children’s last name LARSEN! Isabel, Gigi, and David Guerra., with their mother, Summer Jenkins. At the airport after the trip!
You must meet Dr. Larsen’s sister Summer if you ever get the chamce! Dr. Sarah’s younger sister, an OBGyn helps women around the world and practices in Sebring, Florida!
Photo credit: airport stranger kind enough to offer as we were hugging “goodbye for now!”
Pictured here with their children –
Right to left: Top row: OBGYN, Dr Summer Jenkins, Dr. Sarah, Greg, Tyler, & Jazzy Larsen Next row: David, Gigi, and Isabel Guerra
All returning from Mission work & aide to Puerto Rico! Many they served on that trip didn’t have the basic needs like electricity, running water, and access to transportation!
Dr. Larsen became a doctor, worked in non-government organizations, and then retired as an allopathic doctor to become a Science-based, Minister of all Faiths to make a world that works for all
Dr. Sarah Larsen
She is a certified master trainer and facilitator of:
Certification or training in Ayurveda Accupressure Iridology Nutrition Specialist and Fitness Expert Certified Hypnotherapist Emotional Freedom Tapping Intuition Development Retired Medical Doctor Shamanic Breath work Rebirth Past-Life Regressions Accessing Akashic Records Anthroposophical medicine Minister of all Faiths Epigenetics Coach Reiki teacher trainer level initated by Bill Picknard, EPFX-SCIO Training and Certified practioner Chakra-clearing from Lions-Heart Institute, Neurolinguistics Programming teacher-trainer level, designated Oneness Blessing giver
Does Dr. Sarah Larsen work Privately with people? Yes! She only takes a few private clients now. She has group coaching programs! Please ask your question here and she will respond as time allows!
Sarah Larsen, MD is a Medical Intuitive, Miracle Medium, Public Speaker, and Consultant to doctors, Hollywood executives, entrepreneurs and visionaries. She is the Host of the Miracle Makers TV Video Podcast filmed at Sunset Gower Studios, UBNgo Studios in Burbank, and Team Larsen Studios.
Dr. Sarah studied at Kasturba Medical College and is a doctor of medicine graduating from the Medical University of The Americas. She has several degrees including an M.D. and is an Ordained Interfaith Minister from All Paths Divinity School.
Born in Pakistan, her education as a healer began in rural villages with her grandmother. Her approach to intuitive healing is described as merging ancient wisdom, modern science, and spirituality for optimal living and completion of your soul’s journey!
As a transformational teacher and guide who inspires and empowers her clients in living purposefully and powerfully, her work transforms people’s lives very rapidly. She speaks all over the world, and offers transformational retreats in US,Italy, Egypt, and Mexico.
Her clients are artists, Doctors, entrepreneurs, and visionaries whose work unites the world.
Dr. Sarah designs private retreats for her clients!
Pictured here with Tyler Larsen at The Dahshur pyramids
Dr. Sarah Larsen received Awards for her work with those in uniform, service to disadvantaged women, and recognition internationally!
The City of Fontana awarded her “Woman Of Distinction” Award on October 14th, 2018.
Extraordinary little girl sits next to her mother, and older brother holding our youngest sister… a photo taken for Dad while he was studying in America!
Dad got a full scholarship to Southern Louisiana University. He was then sponsored by Proctor and Gamble to become an American Citizen!
Her father, an inventor did it all because her Mom wanted to make sure her daughters had every opportunity her sons had!
Imagine – Dr. Sarah a privileged -village girl -prematurely born in the early 1970s -is now helping on multiple continents thanks to her Mom and Dad empowering her!
I love helping mothers and daughters! Fathers and sons! Grandparents to empower their brilliant ones.
Yes, you reading this.
You are your grandparents’ lucky one!
Dr. Sarah Larsen before she became a doctor!
Dr. Larsen believes in service, science and energy! Her service to the March of Dimes began in Albany, Georgia in third grade! She volunteered at a Home for the elderly in 7th grade in New Orleans East!
She became a doctor to help those that couldn’t receive medical help around the world! Her love of service came from her Father, Mother, and Grandparents! She actively loves, serves, and has ongoing service projectswith Rise of the Butterfly, Personal Development for Extraordinary People and Saffyre Sanctuary!
Dr. Sarah’s Mom plus Dad with Greg Larsen, all Dr. Sarah’s siblings, and their children all except 1 nephew (DJ Adam Khan) in New Orleans! Photo credit: Lori Stevens
County of Los Angeles recognizes Dr. Sarah for her work with the Veterans
Photo Credit: Bob Delgadillo
The term “veteran” means a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions considered honorable.
For Working with Veterans with PTSD
She has been recognized by the County of Los Angeles at the 10th Annual Honoring Men and Women in Uniform.
Dr. Sarah is a Mom and loves all that adds to continuation of life with her whole heart!
Dr. Sarah, Tyler, Jasmine, Greg, and puppies! (2017) Photo credit: Lori Stevens
Tyler, Greg, Dr. Sarah, and Jasmine (2008) Photo Credit: Sheila F
Founders of Miracle Makers Academy Co-parents -Greg & Dr. Sarah Larsen
Photo Credit: Bob Delgadillo
She wore a dress her Grandmother would have been proud of to the
Del Bigtree with Dr. Sarah Larsen on his first podcast at UBN Studio!
Photo credit: Tony Sweet Photo Credit: Lori Stevens
“If I can do that, just imagine what you can do for yourself!” ~Dr. Sarah Larsen
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?” ~ Marianne Williamson Pictured here with Dr. Sarah Larsen
Photo credit: Greg Larsen
“When someone’s connected, when a person totally gets it, things come together. They’re not speaking from their intellect; they’re speaking from something greater. There’s something speaking through them that is it—that is beyond.” ~Rickie Byars Beckwith Pictured here with Dr. Sarah
Dr. Sarah and Rickie Byers Beckwith Photo Credit: Connie Costa
Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Sarah Photo Credit: Maura Hoffman
Lisa Nichols with Dr. Larsen Marcy Cole’s event
Lynn McTaggart with Dr. Larsen Conscious Life Expo Photographer
Photo Credit: Orah Winfrey’s team
Red Carpet interview of Dr. Sarah and Lisa Haisha (R) Photo Credit: Bob Delgadillo
Dr. Larsen with Daughter Jasmine Photo Credit: Greg Larsen
Leeza Gibbons, and James Malinchek with Dr. Sarah Photo Credit: James Malinchek team
Dr. Sarah Receiving the American Riviera Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award Photo Credit: Diana Kelly
She is a teacher and guide who inspires and empowers people to live purposefully and powerfully. Her work transforms people’s lives very rapidly. She is a world-class speaker, entrepreneur, artist and visionary whose work unites the world of business with essential wisdom of mind-body-spirit.
Tyler Larsen
Dr. Larsen’s son Tyler Larsen also speaks to Angels Photo credit: Mom
Since birth, Dr. Larsen has been mentored by her grandmothers in the subtle energy field then taught Eastern and Western medicine while attending the best Medical Schools in India and the Americas.
She has been mentored since birth to experience life differently from her grandmothers and grandfathers working towards “satyagraha”, (Sanskrit and Hindi: “holding onto truth”) concept introduced in the early 20th century by Mahatma Gandhi to designate a determined but nonviolent resistance to profound wickedness and against common good..
Mentored by great minds those born in villages, the temples and great teachers that learned to serve humanity! Some were licensed to teach in Egypt, Italy, Costa Rica, and Mexico with their hieroglyphs, monolithic structures and secrets hidden in the sands of time! Other mentors helped Dr Sarah understand the “Deeper awakening” to subtle in High School with her multiple Near Death Experiences.
In search of words to describe the energy she saw, seeking mentoring from the indigenous teachings in Four Corners Monument — where Colorado’s southwest border meets Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico — the area is filled with archaeological sites, remote landscapes, and scenic byways waiting to be explored. Learning how to think from unsolved mysteries became part of her training all through her schooling in United States, Pakistan, India, Costa Rica, Chichen Itza, Mexico, Stonehedge, Trinidad, and Tobago!
FUN FACTS: 1. Between the ages of Fourteen to Nineteen years old, Dr. Larsen had a series of Near-Death Experiences at the hands of circumstances in an arranged marriage. She formed a deep connection of knowing the “Unseen by most” part of the energy field, “space” around us.
She didn’t “know” that not everyone sees the “Field” until she attended Medical School! She attended special schools located within Kasturba Medical Center called Manipal Academy of Higher Education and Health & Science Center.
Combining her discoveries with the best that science has to offer today, her medical education and research across the traditional boundaries of science, oral & written history, and religion by offering fresh insights into the mystery you are.
She has connected our relationship to our inner world and outer worlds while sharing life-affirming messages of unlimited possibility. Her purpose is to serve, bring contentment, and bring peace to you. She discovered that the key to everything is understanding energy!
Dr. Larsen is certified in over 20 healing modalities along with becoming a medical doctor including accupuncture, auyerveda, and yoga! As a minister of all faiths she practices faith based Energy and Vibrational Medicine!
You are energy and your energy has incredible possibilities!
You do not have to suffer in any area of your life!
“It is not your fault you are suffering! When you know that at your core – transformation, breakthroughs, and access to the miracle frequency within you!” ~ Dr. Sarah Larsen
Say this out loud
By knowing yourself – you can evolve yourself! Self-Growth is human evolution~ Dr. Sarah Larsen
You can have your question answered by Dr. Sarah Larsen
Disclaimer: Dr. Larsen is not licensed to practice medicine in the state of California. Regarding health-related issues, she provides health coaching and intuitive medical consultations.
The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.
Please consult your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition. Dr. Larsen shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained on this site. Dr. Larsen does not endorse specifically any test, treatment, or procedure mentioned on the site.
By visiting this site, you agree to the preceding terms and conditions, which may from time to time be changed or supplemented by Dr. Larsen. If you do not agree with the preceding terms and conditions, you should not enter this site.