Ancient Egyptian Codes for Unlocking Your Potential is a super-simple, super-energy healing experience exploring key ancient wisdom.
You might be going to Egypt sometime in your life! You might be dreaming codes.
Codes have to be interpreted! What has been shown to me. I want you to have these codes! These codes were once only shown to pharaohs, rulers, priest, and priestess!
These code and wisdom were designed to make the best leaders, healers, and visionaries! They are designed to open up regions of your brain!
I want you to lead your life and help those that can make pursuit of happiness, love, and service intentions the focus of their life! Happy people create a beautiful world!
Please remember, you can reach so high as to understand and perceive the world of the angels—or even to be granted the gift of prophecy. These codes, your love and service will open up your angel realms!
You may try, you must reach deep within yourself to convert the grey matter that makes up your brain to receive more blood from your heart!
Heart and learning code doesn’t have to be hard! It can be super simple and fun!
You must reach the ability to feel ancient codes within your body!
You are (to me) a Miracle Makers on a journey. Many mystery schools teachings are found in Egypt, India and many ancient societies! There are codes and symbols that activate a part of you that has always been available!
Ancient Egyptians lived in Peace with all of the animal and human world! No war, hunger, or greed! No one taken for granted!
You can create so much goodness in the world, so much of what you want in the world from understanding Ancient Egyptian codes that unlock your potential!
Being invited to lead retreats in Egypt is also a miracle to me! Mohamed Nazmy has hosted Mary Morrissey, Marianne Williamson, Jean Houston and Gregg Braden! The tour guides that lead them have taught me so much!
When I was in Medical school, I learned With toil and persistence, severe self-discipline and avoidance of most forms of indulgence, and great sacrifice, so I could enlighten my mind, actually heal humanity and understand!
Healing is a language and so is your potential. Learn the language of your soul!