“We can do no great things – only small things with great love.”
~ MOTHER TERESA Founder of the Missionaries of Charity
I was in fear for most of my life. I have been afraid and I realize so much in the above statement. You overcome fear one breath or step or small thing at a time.
It is extraordinary what is possible for you on the other side of fear.
So much of the world is waiting on you, calling you to be you. Don’t be afraid. I will help you.
You are the person who creates Miracles for our world because you have faith, deservability, and integrity.
You who understand things are done “through” you with Grace.
Grace! We are so lucky that hypothesis in science are showing “God,” “The Field,” “Universe,” or “God of your understanding” exists!
The most ancient books are now being understood to be explanations of “how the universe works”!
It worksin accordance to how you work with it!
Life Coaching! You will have a chance to overcome obstacles, connect with something you may not know about yourself, and have deep clarity about an area in your life!
I can hardly wait. I love you so much because for you, I keep coming out of fear and into Faith, deservability, and integrity!
Dr. Sarah Larsen
Do you compromise? What must you never compromise on?
Truth 1: You must become “all” of who you are and that is what success is!
Surrender to God and your connection to your Soul within you.
There can be no compromise on mere fundamentals.
Let yourself be seen! For you to give all, you must integrate and surrender your fundamental parts!
What would your life be like if you felt “free to be you?”
Telos: Know your ultimate object or aim.
Causing most of us to lose sight of and compromise who we really are instead of surrendering!
You have a Soul identity. A Miracle Maker within you. A message only you can bring to the world!

Most of us end up forcing the unacceptable parts of our personality into the shadows.
We end up masquerading as a half-baked version of ourselves, we embrace the qualities of our peers or the ideals of our parents all in an attempt to fit in and be accepted.
Accepted to be loved.
The best life, says Aristotle, is spent trying to understand what that self is and to become it.
And that’s what people who want to transform the world need to hear: “Become who you are.”
He was quoting, Pindar. Pindar was an Ancient Greek lyric poet from Thebes. Of the canonical nine lyric poets of ancient Greece, his work is the best preserved.
Dreamer, Miracle Maker, Imaginer.
We can create the world you dream of! There are parts of you that you do not even know about!
Truth 2: Integrate your shadow, become more present, and powerful in the world! “Becoming who you are” has to involve shadow work!
For you, the term shadow work may conjure up all kinds of negative and dark associations. Because of those associations we have with the word shadow, it is easy to think that shadow work is a dark spiritual practice or that it is internal work that involves the more negative or sinister aspects of our personality. In truth, neither is the case.
It involves what Carl Jung stated the shadow to be the unknown dark side of the personality. According to Jung, the shadow, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to psychological projection, in which a perceived personal inferiority is recognized as a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. Shadow work is about deep radical acceptance and liberation of you.
Is your deepest fear is that you are inadequate? Are you afraid to be fully expressed?
Truth 3: Your deepest fear is that you are powerful beyond measure.
You are a miracle! “On the Probability of Your Being Born” at TEDx San Francisco, Mel Robbins, a self-help author, mentioned that scientists estimate the probability of your being born at about one in 400 trillion. Ponder that and that you are a miracle.
~Marianne Williamson with Dr. Sarah Larsen
because an original is always worth more than a copy.
Miracle Makers Weekly Coaching
A one-year subscription to weekly group success coaching hosted by Dr. Sarah Larsen.
Great miracle making skills, advanced life setting, and accountability.
All calls are recorded and archived.
Apply to become a coaching client here at support@drsarahlarsen.com
How To Become a Coaching Client With Dr. Sarah Larsen?
Please answer these questions and when you finish the application questions send your answers via e-mail to support@drsarahlarsen.com.
1. Why do you feel called to transform your life with Dr. Sarah and weekly coaching?
2. What is it that you are seeking most in your life? What Miracle do you want to bring about in your life?
3. How committed are you to making that Miracle happen?
4. Are you willing to invest time, energy, and money so you can create the life you deserve?
5. What blocks do you want to clear to make 2018-2019 extraordinary?
6. How open are you to getting out of your comfort zone? Are you open to experiencing miracles?
7. Can you participate fully in the day meeting and assignments and bring your beginner’s mind to this journey of awakening?
8. Can you unplug from the mainstream limited way of thinking and indulge in the deeper transformation available from your soul?
9. Is there anything else you would like for us to know?
10. Can we email you with upcoming free events, special discounts, and community offerings?
Call Dr. Sarah’s office for help with this: 424 757 4197
Please let me know if you have any questions!
“I believed that I was broken. Crippled with multiple back surgeries, a tight heart from a failed marriage, lost thoughts running around in my brain, and a career in shambles, I thought that I was just powerless. But, something shifted in the way I saw the world as a result of this class. Instead of feeling like a victim, I had a fresh start. Instead of seeing loss, I started to see possibilities.
For example, what if my vulnerabilities connected me to others with unbridled empathy? But, it just wasn’t my thoughts that changed. Within days of this session, my life was actually changed. First, a new home. Then, new career interviews. And even further, new dating possibilities…Could just one session really transform a life? Really? Yes. It did! And, it will for you too!”
~Andrew, Weekly Group Life Coaching with Dr. Sarah