Dr. Sarah Larsen was intiated and Mentored by
Dr. Judith Long -Teacher /Board Member at Drunvalo Melchizedek’s School of Remembering
United States
“Awakening the Illuminated Heart” is a workshop, where we remember who we really are, how to create from the Heart and how to activate the natural Merkaba (our Lightbody)”.
Drunvalo Melchizedek
Presents The School of Remembering
The School of Remembering was created by Drunvalo Melchizedek to foster individual growth and increase the understanding of the human consciousness revolution that is now occurring. The School is your host to powerful eye, mind and heart changing experiences. Our programs are designed by a global network of over 300 guides and leaders to help you achieve the highest levels of peace, health and wellness. Click here for workshops:
Health, peace and wellness are different experiences for everyone and the process can vary according to one’s individual degree of awareness, personal vibration, spiritual practice and even individual purpose on the planet. We all have a calling and its up to each of us to reach out and grasp our place in time.
Our happiness on a physical, mental and emotional or even spiritually level is about energy and consciousness. As one begins to experience new energies and new levels of consciousness, old patterns, behaviors, and beliefs that have limited one’s perception and kept their vibration in a denser state of being, begin to re-emerge. The Workshop Programs offered by the School of Remembering are designed to help people move past their own barriers and realize their own empowerment so they can remember and reconnect with their own place in the universe.