The Science of Miracles and Manifestation
with the Miracle Medium Rev. Dr. Sarah Larsen
You are here to activate your senses!
How Many senses do you have?
Yes, and allopathic medicine is beginning to recognize these! Ancient Egyptians believed there was one for each degree (360 degrees) and when initiated together there were five more that are possible! Is it possible that you have one sense for each day of the year?
Who you are:
Your parent’s job was to raise you so far! Your job is to raise yourself the rest of the way!
Practice being the natural states of development here:
You have many more senses, even beyond the spiritual than you ever imagined. And many of them are your body’s own internal sensing mechanisms, it has a way of keeping track of everything that’s right or wrong with itself.
This lends support to one of the most important of all the health principles: Listen To Your Body Your body is an amazing mechanism, and if you pay attention to it, it will tell you precisely what it requires to stay healthy. It will also typically warn you when you encounter items that are not in your long-term best interest. The primary challenge is to be sensitive enough to recognize these signals. Most of us have long ago lost this sensitivity and essentially ignore this important feedback that can help guide us. Andrew Taylor Still, the founder of osteopathy, believed that the primary role of the physician was to facilitate your body’s inherent ability to heal itself, and that a physician could best promote health by ensuring that the musculoskeletal system was in as perfect alignment as possible and obstructions to blood and lymph flow were minimized or eliminated. Chiropractic medicine was founded as a health care profession in 1895 by Daniel David Palmer, based on the premise that the body had an innate healing ability and this healing ability could be compromised if there were nerve impingements obstructing the flow of nerve impulses. Others, such as Dr. Weston A. Price, looked at diet, and how much healthier a body was when it was given the foods it had naturally evolved to eat — foods that keep the body healthy enough to heal itself. These great healers, and others who have followed in their footsteps, have slowly been bringing about a revolution in health care. I have dedicated my life to helping to bring it even further along. When it finally arrives, I believe that sickness, as we know it today, will be a rarity. People will pay attention to what their body’s senses are telling them, and will know how to let their bodies heal themselves. |
How would your life change if you could more easily manifest miracles of healing, prosperity, and richer relationships in your life?
Do you want to learn the latest scientific discoveries for activating the miraculous, for more dynamic manifesting, and for cultivating
your 365 senses?
Whether or not you are aware of it, your thoughts, attitudes, and emotions, both the positive and negative ones, affect your personal energetic field, or environment. They also affect the fields around you, including those of your loved ones, friends, colleagues, and others.
Studies have shown you can influence and actually change your individual and social field environments and create environments of your own choosing.
Dr. Larsen learned from papers published by founders of HeartMath Institute
You Can Change Your Field Environment.
- Your heart and feelings create. When your genuine love, appreciation, care, and compassion are activated you can change a field environment, locally and potentially throughout the world.
- The effects positive feelings can have on you and others are contrasted with what occurs when you are angry, frustrated, discouraged, or experience other negative emotions.
Your negative emotions absorb energy from the environment and decrease your life force and the energy field around you! - Your emotions affected other living things.
- change your personal energy and the energy you send out to others and the planet by being in service, love, and courage.
Understanding the Stress Response
Interoceptive senses include balance (the sense of the body’s alignment), the organic sense (the sense of internal condition, such as hunger or thirst), and proprioception (the brain’s knowledge of relative positions of body parts). Proprioception is the sense that is actually tested by walk-the-line or finger-to-nose sobriety tests.
When you misunderstand or lose the depth of your senses from within your body, you have access to less of your senses!
You may be experiencing “Loss of proprioception” for example. It is a rare disorder that can cause a lack of coordination. It can lead eventually to a complete lack of awareness of the body.
This causes a disembodied feeling as if the mind and body have separated.
For two years in a row, the annual stress survey commissioned by the American Psychological Association has found that about 25% of Americans are experiencing high levels of stress (rating their stress level as 8 or more on a 10-point scale), while another 50% report moderate levels of stress (a score of 4 to 7). Perhaps not surprising, given continuing economic instability in this country and abroad, concerns about money, work, and the economy rank as the top sources of stress for Americans.
Chronic stress is unpleasant, even when it is transient. A stressful situation — whether something environmental, such as a looming work deadline, or psychological, such as persistent worry about losing a job — can trigger a cascade of stress hormones that produce well-orchestrated physiological changes. A stressful incident can make the heart pound and breathing quicken. Muscles tense and beads of sweat appear.
It divides your brain into parts and your whole body has less access to your “WHOLE” self!
Research suggests that chronic stress contributes to high blood pressure, promotes the formation of artery-clogging deposits, and causes brain changes that may contribute to anxiety, depression, and addiction.
You stop being able to think correctly and accurately!
Let yourself be seen!
What would your life be like if you felt “free to be you?”
What would your life be like belonging to a group committed to your happiness, making a difference, and sensitive to unity consciousness?
There has never been a better time to give the gift of transformation to a friend, loved one, or yourself.
Create your life and create a better world!
The Golden Baby Papyrus:
History of Mothering: From Ancient Egypt to Modern Times