Respective sensory organs inherent among most!
Truth: Each cell in your body has these above five senses and so many more!
Ancient Egyptians spoke of 365 senses! They showed how to ensure a leader would get those senses and more in the image below:
Isn’t it wonderful how pharoahs and leaders were supported as they were babies nursing on their mother!
This image represents a golden baby being nursed while the adults around him make sure his or her deepest senses are awoken.
Each of the adults is clad in outfits representing their “senses” that were activated!
Most humans were not nursed with its mother receiving the “breath of life” while being supported by a stable environment.
Mothers and fathers that see this image and understand that it is possible to build a whole new “awakened and activated” future generation,
do all that is possible for their children even before pregnancy to enhance our future leaders!
This image from the Hathor temple in Egypt reflects “energy” and how the ancient ones had it. It demonstrates so much for those that have the eyes and senses to interpret it!
Peer-reviewed articles in the scientific journal have received have accepted 21 human senses and counting!
Much known about you and what is possible for you is in every part of you.
Senses You Have Available Already Being Practiced By Other Humans:
Blind people report they are able to navigate and in some cases identify and object by interpreting reflected sounds (especially their own footsteps), a phenomenon know as human echolocation.
Electroreception is the ability to detect electric energy fields.
A dolphin can detect electric fields in water using electroreceptors. They have organs which evolved from whisker motion sensors.
These electroreceptors can detect electric fields as weak as 4.6 microvolts per centimeter, such as those generated by contracting muscles and pumping gills of potential prey.
This permits the dolphin to locate prey from the seafloor where sediment limits visibility and echolocation.
Goose Bumps, God Bumps, these are our electroreceptors.
Egyptian and science enthusiasts have experimented with magnetic implants to attempt to replicate this sense.
However, in general humans (and it is presumed other mammals) can detect electric fields only indirectly by detecting the effect they have on hairs.
An electrically charged balloon, for instance, will exert a force on human arm hairs, which can be felt through tactition and identified as coming from a static charge (and not from wind or the like).
This is not electroreception, as it is a post-sensory cognitive action.
Magnetoception is the ability to detect the direction one is facing based on the Earths magnetic field! Birds, Bees, and bacteria all have this! Humans and other mammals have the capacity for this!
Cattle make us of magnetoception to align themselves in a north-south direction.
Hygroreception is the ability to detect changes in the moisture contect of the environment.
Infrared Sensing
Pressure detection uses the organ of Weber, a system consisting of three appendages of vertebrae transferring changes in the shape of the gas bladder to the middle ear.
It can be used to regulate the buoyancy of the fish
Current detection is a detection system of water currents, consisting mostly of vortices! Vortices are lateral line sensitive to low-frequency vibrations.
The mechanoreceptors are hair cells the same mechanoreceptors for vestibular sense and hearing. It is used primarily for navigation, hunting, and schooling.
The receptors of the electrical sense are modified hair cells of the lateral line system.
Polarized direction/detection is used by bees and those in hive or community mentality! They are especially oriented when there is chaos or electrical or cloudy days.
Most sighted humans can, in fact, learn to roughly detect large areas of polarization.
Plant senses are available when we learn to accurately absorb food!
By using a variety of sense receptors, plants sense light, gravity, temperature, humidity, chemical substances, chemical gradients, reorientation, magnetic fields, infections, tissue damage and mechanical pressure.
The absence of a nervous system notwithstanding, plants interpret and respond to these stimuli by a variety of hormonal and cell-to-cell communication pathways that result in movement, morphological changes and physiological state alterations at the organism level, that is, result in plant behavior.
Such physiological and cognitive functions are generally not believed to give rise to mental phenomena or qualia, however, as these are typically considered the product of nervous system activity.
The emergence of mental phenomena from the activity of systems functionally or computationally analogous to that of the nervous system
So much understanding, insight, and healing can happen in one session!
“Since 2012 I have known and learned from Dr. Sarah Larsen. She has been a source of wisdom, clarity and spiritual assistance throughout times of personal difficulty, pain and self-growth.
As an artist, I’ve grown in the process of my work as I’ve applied the wisdom and spiritual correlations between creativity and understanding universal laws of energy and furthermore; how artistry is forever affected and shaped by different energy offerings. Dr. Larsen’s spiritual coaching has assisted me immensely in my work both as an artist and as a psychologist.
As a psychologist, I am constantly analyzing, and the continuing education on the psyche and all things spiritual as taught to me by Dr. Larsen has heightened my sensitivity and awareness of my true purpose as well as gaining a deeper understanding of my soul.
I always cherish my time with her and look forward to my future talks. I am always thirsty for the type of positive empowerment and valuable knowledge she has to offer and I regard her as a compassionate friend and one of my best teachers in life.”
~ Celine Najarian