How to Make 2025 Your Best Year
Generate Energy | Sacred Geometry Breath
Here is the quickest way to learn to appreciate that you can breathe into existence your best life possible!
Think of yourself. You do so much without being aware of what you are actually doing! Your body is doing more than a master crafted building like the Great Pyramid! You can generate energy more than a natural forest generates. Keep a beginners mind as you read this page! Try on the ideas and do what is recommended trusting your intuition. It has lead you here!
Your growth is extraordinary in one lifetime!
When you understand this diagram you can understand that your body is even aligned to the stars in galaxies!

Like everything humans have studied thus far moving air through your vessel or body is exactly: As above so below
Your body is on Earth, composed of what Earth made for you, and it has to go around the sun! The sun,
Breathing is so universal and continuous that it can be easy to forget about until can’t do it anymore. Yes it is life itself. Like me, you take special note of words that are carried on final breaths. Reading this you can now even cherish the physical substance of the breaths you take themselves as they were exchanged with all those that have lived in your atmosphere.
That which is above is from that which is below, and that which is below is from that which is above.
Yet, you go into your body and what does every cell need? It needs your breath, Your circulation! Each part of your own body is ready for your awareness! You breath is the quickest way to activate and generate energy in your body!
In the 1990s I learned from Tony Robbins who learned from Dan Brule. A breathwork expert who wrote a book called Just Breathe: Mastering Breathwork. Breathwork is a self-help technique that uses breath awareness and conscious breathing for healing and growth.
When I worked as a doctor, I used to teach it to my patients before they went into to surgery so their lungs would be strong for surgery! Every patient healed much quicker because of this!

The Surprising Ways Your Breath Connects You to the Entire Planet + Earth Inhales and Exhales Oxygen Just Like You Do
Consider you are space, time and consciousness. You can comprehend this at its surface, from within, or at its essence.
At its surface, each place is its own place, each moment its own moment, each person their own person.
Within, each place is a facet of all of space, each moment a snapshot of all time, each person another face to humanity. For the whole is reflected in each of its parts.
Depending on the time of day and the season of the year, the air you walk through and pull into your lungs changes more than you might expect. This is just one of many discoveries by Ralph Keeling, a scientist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography who tests the atmosphere the way a police officer might test your breath with a Breathalyzer.
Excerpted from Your Atomic Self The Invisible Elements That Connect You to Everything Else in the Universe
For more than two decades Keeling has been measuring the oxygen content of air samples that are collected daily in Hawaii, Antarctica, and elsewhere, sealed into small containers, and shipped to his lab in La Jolla, California. Like traces of alcohol in someone’s breath, slight changes in the composition of the atmosphere can tell a lot about what the world’s combined masses of people, vegetation, and plankton are doing.

Like you, each cell of yours in it’s nucleus, center contains all of you. Deeper understanding of this is the knowing that you are an essence to each thing, its essential life.
At the essence there is no distinction between the whole and the part. When you touch the essence of a thing, you find this place is space, this moment is time, this person is humankind.
Your mind can reach beyond the surface, deep inside a thing. To reach its essence, however, that essence must speak to us of its own.

That is your breath. In your breath, the essence of all things speaks to you.
I want you to know about you and how you generate energy with every breath:
~70% of the toxins inside of your body are removed through the lungs!
~You Breathing is an essential element to your life!
~ You can expand your lung capacity and expand your senses!
Think about it.

Make 2025 Your Best Year
Generate Energy | Sacred Geometry Breath
~ You can be still as you breath and know you are one with everything. That secret is in your breathing! You can generate so much energy from just breathing ideally for your body!
I recommend you do this before every meal or at least 3 times a day!
Inhale for 4 counts! Hold for 16 counts and exhale for 8 counts!

The Surprising Ways Your Breath Connects You to the Entire Planet
When dawn awakens California, the lawns and palm trees of La Jolla begin to pump oxygen into the air and pull carbon dioxide out of it, as does the Pacific plankton drifting offshore. When that portion of the world spins onward into the shadow of night again, the oxygen production shuts down, but the cellular CO2 factories keep running and quickly drive local carbon dioxide levels back up again while oxygen levels drop.

A similar pattern emerges in alternating hemispheres through the seasons, as well. When plants sprout and leaf out in spring, O2 rises rapidly and CO2 declines. Later in the year when photosynthesis slows and dead leaves begin to decay and release carbon dioxide, the opposite trends prevail.

You’re Literally Breathing the Same Stuff Leonardo da Vinci Did
From space, Earth resembles a floating blue bead, and if you keep that image in mind it will help to drive home an important lesson. As abundant as atoms are on this planet, their numbers are finite. Watch a satellite video of the clouds that sweep across the face of the world, and you will see in an instant that the winds that carry them over one curved horizon may reappear on the opposite horizon. When viewed from a great distance the sky resembles a shockingly thin film, and most of its molecules are packed into a mere 10-mile slice of a total planetary diameter of nearly 8,000 miles. At sea level you might find more than 10 trillion trillion atoms in a cubic yard of air, but just outside that vaporous skin is the relative vacuum of the solar system. The next time you see a photo of the earth taken from space, try to convince yourself that a pollutant-spewing smokestack anywhere in the world doesn’t unleash potentially harmful substances into the same precious air supply that keeps you and your loved ones a
Sacred Geometry Breath
Breathing has been known to increase telemerase!
An enzyme that extends extends your life!
We are discovering many of telomerase’s secrets. In the future, I’ll write more on this fascinating research in the area of telomerase!
It could uncover valuable information to combat aging, fight cancer, and even improve the quality of energy medicine in other areas such
as skin healing for burn victims, bone marrow regeneration, and heart disease. Who knows how far this could go?
In the 1950s, research biologists began to view aging itself as the disease.
Tibetan Monks did the 5 Tibetan rites!
Longevity practices!
Imagine how deeply you will love when you are as old as the oldest person alive!
Remember when you loved like a five year old?
Think about how differently a kindhearted grandmother loves!
Love without fear!
Imagine how much you might love if you are aware of all of the unprocessed human emotions!
Imagine how skilled you might be at healing if you understood what ails us is based on all unprocessed emotions!
Love you!
Dr. Sarah Larsen
Thank you Tony Robbins for being one of my earliest guides through your audio programs!
Transcribing one of his programs I learned:
“We all have the same six needs, but how we value those needs and in what order, determines the direction of our life.
Need 1: Certainty/Comfort
The first human need is the need for Certainty. It’s our need to feel in control and to know what’s coming next so we can feel secure. It’s the need for basic comfort, the need to avoid pain and stress, and also to create pleasure. Our need for certainty is a survival mechanism. It affects how much risk we’re willing to take in life—in our jobs, in our investments, and in our relationships. The higher the need for certainty, the less risk you’ll be willing to take or emotionally bear. By the way, this is where your real “risk tolerance”comes from.
Need 2: Uncertainty/Variety
Let me ask you a question: Do you like surprises? If you answered “yes,” you’re kidding yourself! You like the surprises you want. The ones you don’t want, you call problems! But you still need them to put some muscle in your life. You can’t grow muscle—or character—unless you have something to push back against.
Need 3: Significance
We all need to feel important, special, unique, or needed. So how do some of us get significance? You can get it by earning billions of dollars, or collecting academic degrees—distinguishing yourself with a master’s or a PhD. You can build a giant Twitter following. Or you can go on The Bachelor or become the next Real Housewife of Orange County. Some do it by putting tattoos and piercings all over themselves and in places we don’twant to know about. You can get significance by having more or bigger problems than anybody else. “You think your husband’s a dirt bag, take mine for a day!” Of course, you can also get it by being more spiritual (or pretending to be).
Spending a lot of money can make you feel significant, and so can spending very little. We all know people who constantly brag about their bargains, or who feel special because they heat their homes with cow manure and sunlight. Some very wealthy people gain significance by hiding their wealth. Like the late Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart and for a time the richest man in America, who drove around Bentonville, Arkansas, in his old pickup, demonstrating he didn’t need a Bentley—but of course, he did have his own private fleet of jets standing by.
Significance is also a money maker—that’s where my dear friend Steve Wynn has made his fortune. The man who made Las Vegas what it is today knows people will pay for anything they believe is “the best,” anything that makes them feel special, unique or important, anything that makes them stand out from the crowd. He provides the most exclusive, luxurious experiences imaginable in his casinos and hotels—they are truly magnificent and unmatched in the world.
Need 4: Love & Connection
The fourth basic need is Love and Connection. Love is the oxygen of life; it’s what we all want and need most. When we love completely we feel alive, but when we lose love, the pain is so great that most people settle on connection, the crumbs of love. You can get that sense of connection or love through intimacy, or friendship, or prayer, or walking in nature. If nothing else works, you can get a dog.
These first four needs are what I call the needs of the personality. We all find ways to meet these—whether by working harder, coming up with a big problem, or creating stories to rationalize them. The last two are the needs of the spirit. These are more rare—not everyone meets these. When these needs are met, we truly feel fulfilled.
Need 5: Growth
If you’re not growing, you’re dying. If a relationship is not growing, if a business is not growing, if you’re not growing, it doesn’t matter how much money you have in the bank, how many friends you have, how many people love you—you’re not going to experience real fulfillment. And the reason we grow, I believe, is so we have something of value to give.
Need 6: Contribution
Corny as it may sound, the secret to living is giving. Life’s not about me; it’sabout we. Think about it, what’s the first thing you do when you get good or exciting news? You call somebody you love and share it. Sharing enhances everything you experience.
Life is really about creating meaning. And meaning does not come from what you get, it comes from what you give. Ultimately it’s not what you get that will make you happy long term, but rather who you become and what you contribute will.
Those are Tony Robbins words!
To Make 2025 Your Best Year You can apply to work with me Dr. Sarah Larsen to
Generate Energy | Sacred Geometry Breath + Manifest your Miracle

I Offer A day to realize your Power to Activate your Vision Intuition and Purpose. This is called a VIP Day
Please answer these questions and when you finish the application questions send your answers via e-mail to
1. Why do you feel called to transform your life with Dr. Sarah and the VIP Day?
2. What is it that you are seeking most in your life? What Miracle do you want to bring about in your life?
3. How committed are you to making that Miracle happen?
4. Are you willing to invest time, energy, and money so you can create the life you deserve?
5. What blocks do you want to clear to make your life extraordinary?
6. How open are you to getting out of your comfort zone? Are you open to experiencing miracles?
7. Can you participate fully in the day meeting and assignments and bring your beginner’s mind to this journey of awakening?
8. Can you unplug from the mainstream limited way of thinking and indulge in the deeper transformation available from your soul?
9. Is there anything else you would like for us to know?
10. Can we email you with upcoming free events, special discounts, and community offerings?
The investment is $15000 for a VIP day with Dr. Larsen.
Call Dr. Sarah’s office for help with this: 424 903 6633.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Your request is answered in the order received.
Thank you and have a great day!
Q. Can I have a session in my own home?
You can invest in an “at home visit” if you are accepted!
Miracles VIP Day – Visioning, Intuition, and Purpose Immersion
DSL flys all over the world for her clients!
Year-long and monthly programs are available!
Q. I am not very technologically savvy. Can I still have a session?
A. Yes, absolutely! You just need a phone.
DSL connects with you all over the world!
“what’s up app!”, apple, iPhone, “Facebook” , Skype, and Zoom!
More apps are added for your convenience!

Q. How do I speak to someone?
Write to Dr. Sarah Larsen here:
Q. How long will this session be?
A. Six to Eight Hours!

Q. What can I do in a session?
A. Plan to get answers for your mind-body-spirit:
Get Clarity!
Generate Energy from your body!
Know why you do what you do!
Know what you don’t know about your mind-body-spirit!
Increase your productivity and improve the quality of your life!
Develop connections to the most influential people that consider them themselves Miracle Makers!
You will be more of the person you want to be!

Q. Where do the answers come from?
A. Your answers will come from science, ancient wisdom, and years of research!
You will get clarity on:
1) Spiritually being on a mission. It is realizing the particular work and desire put into your heart!
2) Social and friendships are a “network”. A working net that lifts you higher and catches you if needed.
3) Vocation/Career: Fulfillment. You are doing what you love!
4) Financially moving toward freedom and feeling wealthy!
5) Personal Development/Learning. Feeling like a genius at solving problems
6) Physical. Feeling Vital. Feeling a little more energized and capable day by day!
7) Family. Feeling stable. Feeling available to have a loving relationship!

Q. What do I need to get the most out of the session?
A. Be able to record the session!
Private VIP DAY is a prerequisite for a year long coaching program!
- Private weekly one-on-one coaching for 52 weeks begins at $2500 a month
- Weekly Small Group Mastermind Online Web Meeting begins at $25,000 for the year
- 12 personalized guided meditations designed for your breakthroughs
- High-level connections (value: priceless)
If you are feeling called to make your life the most impactful, successful, fulfilling, and joyful year of your life, then reach out today as this program is only offered to a limited number of people!
You become part of Dr. Sarah Larsen’s community around the world!

“Would you like to join a community of like-minded souls who are committed to becoming the highest version of themselves? A place where you can share your greatest dreams and deepest fears while being accepted, loved, and forgiven no matter what?
There is a vibrantly alive online community now available that does all this, plus you will receive masterful, truthful, loving feedback and coaching from the creator of this group, Dr. Sarah Larsen, MD, medical intuitive, artist, author, mother, speaker.” ~ Audrey
Everyone in this video agreed to share their experience with you!
This readings in this video were done so you might have an experience of what the private academy is like!