Mikao Usui is the founder of the Reiki System!
Mikao Usui appeared to Bill Pinckard in a series of waking dreams!
He transmitted the wisdom, guidelines, and activations to Bill Pinckard.
Grand Reiki Master Bill Pinckard activated Dr. Sarah Larsen in Reiki
He received his activation from Mikao Usui founder of the Reiki System of Healing.
Grand Reiki Master Bill Pinckard shared what he learned from his teacher Mikao Usui (in a series of dreams) with Dr. Sarah Larsen in 2013.
Grand Reiki Master Bill Pinckard
Retired professional baseball played for the LA Dodgers!
William Peyton “Bill” Pinckard (1929 – 2018)
William served in the U.S. Army and, following his career as a professional baseball player, he founded Pinckard Sporting Goods. William was the loving husband of Heidi, and his former wife Sophia, and was preceded in death by his former wife Marlene. He was preceded in death by his son, Bobby. William is survived by his sons, Bill (Las Vegas) and Paul; daughters, Landi and Marlene, (all of L.A.); and his stepdaughter, Gina Arias Belsito; stepchildren, Rose, Joe, Jacques, Dave, and Paul; 5 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Bill had a passion for baseball. He was one of the first Americans playing pro baseball in Japan.