Sovereign of Resources & Resourcefulness Campaign
Three Affirmations:
1. We are made of currency that creates currency to the world (we are made of energy)
2. Mo money – mo solutions ( instead of more money, more problems)
3. Money is Angelic (instead of money is the root of all evil)
These affirmations are from Maureen Isern & Nadia Sarmova.

Thank you for reading this and your self worth expands with every moment you invest in yourself!

Walt Whitman said in “Leaves of Grass”
“And as to me, I know nothing else but miracles”
Please watch this video so you can create help for you in your life! You and I are helping one very deserving person -an unconventional person -launch into the world!
Business executive Ipsita Dasgupta introduces the concept of “co-conspirators” — people willing to bend or break the rules to challenge the status quo — and shows how they can help create new ways of thinking, acting and being.
Watch this video and you will know -how to begin to create the help to further your visions in life!
Ipsita Dasgupta states,
No matter how smart we are, we all need people.
And for conventional people,
the universe seems to conspire to make them successful.
For the unconventional,
I think we need something that I like to call “co-conspirators.”
Co-conspirators are different not because they’re different themselves,
but because of the people who need them.
They tend to be people who are willing to bend the rules —
actually even break them sometimes —
and challenge the status quo
to stand beside someone who is going against societal norms.
From- 4:32: Example of a co-conspirator
From- 5:09: Strategy meeting with the CEO
From- 6:04: Why the senior colleague pulled the team aside
From- 6:32: Bending the rules and changing the trajectory of a business
From – 6:48: Changing the trajectory of a business

This page was written for you –
Think about it – someone on the planet is probably praying for you right now!
My Mom is a miracle for me!

Mrs. Farida Khan – My Mom! She has stood beside me and questioned societal norms! She put her heart and Soul into my life!
My sister and I hope to become visiting doctors and professors there when the work is complete!
When she was pregnant in Pakistan – she hid her belly and went to school! Because she wanted to be educated! Learning of America and that girls got educated their -she convinced my Dad to give up their cushy life filled with all the luxuries one could want. Easily persuaded by the life shown in Hollywood movies, my dad boarded a plane with twenty American dollars in his pocket! Through scholarships and sponsorship from Proctor and Gamble – three years later my Dad sent for my Mom and their 3 kids!
One radical decision to become immigrants – my parents changed the course of our lives!
My parents have four living kids with as many degrees as each of us wanted! Two female Medical Doctors that often travel around the world in service to those women, men, and children that do not have easy access to doctors!
A school for both girls and boys was built on the lands my parents were born on with structures in place to build medical centers and medical schools!
Meet my Co-Conspirators!
Thank you for helping me be able to help so many people!
Each person here gave me support, unconditional love and the possibility of Building Miracle Makers Academy!

I cannot ever repay the people who have helped me become so capable!
I continue to pay it forward and do the greatest good I am capable of because they helped set me FREE!
Get FREE- UNDERSTAND: How To be you – You must have co-conspirators to help you challenge – the Status Quo!
For example, my Mom made sure I went to medical school and became a doctor. She always calls me her dear doctor daughter! DDD!
I could never pay it back, this allows me to always be paying it forward!
What has done for me! Do you feel so grateful for all you have? Do you love giving the best you got for the sheer GRACE of having it to be able to give it?
This is why we created the MIRACLE MAKERS TV and all of the Youtube content! To give you the best we have got to give!
We want that for you too!
Moment by moment – You are needed! You Empowered. No matter how bad it has been! YOU CAN HEAL, FEEL, and THRIVE! Helping you is Empowering to others you helping others is even more empowering!

Please write to me here! I would love to know your thoughts on this campaign!