This page is dedicated in to the “Hózhó” within you!
Did you know:
Hozho is said to be the most important word in the Navajo language and is loosely translated as creating inside yourself peace, balance, beauty and harmony. It is the joy of the beauty (empowering -mesmerizing energy) of all creation!
Do you love learning new words, concepts, and ideas especially because they help you
What is ontological in simple terms?
Ontology, at its simplest, is the study of existence. Your existence plus so much more than that, too. Ontology is also the study of how all branches of research, history, oral or written, and especially you determine if things exist or not.
Your personal philosophical views plus the classification of existence. Like this study of continuance it takes things that are abstract and establish that they are, in fact, real.
What is an example of ontological?
“Do angels exist?,” “Are my feelings real?”, “What is ‘nothing,’ and does it exist?” are all examples of ontological questions you may have had. Those are questions you might be asking when you have been meditating or it’s particularly late at night or when you’ve had an exceptionally full day.
Ontologically speaking to yourself -you can now use a new word in in the Navajo language!
DO you get why Hozho is said to be the most important word in the Navajo language. Think about and feel your peace, balance, beauty and harmony as you remember this essence that belongs to you!
Let it create more of the energy of love for you are. When you feel your energy and sit with your emotions just as they are, as you create your energy, it comes from you at the DNA level -it is in an I AM energy! As a kid you might have called this energy -joy – no resistance to the current moment! You were your toys, the sand box around you, one with everything and you simply voiced that you needed something!
As a child you let your emotions -energy in motion – call out until you got your needs and wants met! You were both at peace in Hozho and asking for what you wanted next!
One with everyone and everything!
You in vitality, you in love, you to experience LOVE! Love is in everything and it is peace, your beauty and your love as all the energy of the world experiences

Miracle Makers are activists that ‘become’ for 100% of humanity in the shortest time possible for spontaneous cooperation of all Life without ecological or economical disadvantage of anyone.
Miracle Makers -Cherish Life alive within them
Activist-For the greater good
Become- come-develop into-synonyms for: became / becomes / becoming
Humanity -You -What you want matters!
Spontaneous -IN YOUR LIGHT
cooperation – Hózhó
Ooh, I like that.
Hózhó is the joy of being a part of the beauty of all creation.
When we understand that humanity is an expression of the earth’s beauty,
we understand that we too belong.
Hózhó understands that we have an ecological role.
Hózhó understands that our Mother Earth needs us.
When we become her friend, her confidant, her ally, her partner in life,
instead of her dominator, her “superior” or her profiteer,
we can transform dead systems to living ones.
And this does not involve isolating national parks
and never touching a blade of grass.
No, it involves rolling up our sleeves,
living within her processes,
becoming a part of the earth’s system as we were born to be,
and using these minds to protect and augment life
on a holistic regional scale.
If our ancestors around the world proved this is possible,
then it gives us hope that we can do it again.
Thank you for listening.”~
Lyla June | TEDxKC
Miracle Makers are activist living, creating, and amplifying what was given to them at birth so that they might achieve ” hozho, ” a state of beauty and harmony.
Hózhó: of all Life without ecological or economical disadvantage of anyone.
- 02:18 | Humans became a keystone species
- 04:44 | Intentional Habitat Expansion
- 06:04 | De-center humans
- 07:11 | Design for perpetuity
- 07:40 | Fossil record
- 09:41 | What would the world look like if we applied these strategies to today?
- 10:34 | We must also heal our history as a nation, and we can do that together
- 10:44 | We must heal our history as a nation
Let’s plan for your family not yet born – by extending your life and your influence the easier way:

On this page you will learn of the free monthly events
Please see: https://drsarahlarsen.com/dr-sarahs-events/
Miracle Makers are activists that ‘become’ for 100% of humanity in the shortest time possible for spontaneous cooperation of all Life without ecological or economical disadvantage of anyone.
Miracle Makers work through 3 principles:
Heal, Feel, & Thrive!
This is your homework-watch this ted talk – Plan for generations not yet born-
Watch Lyla June in her Ted Talk Titled
3000-year-old solutions to modern problems | Lyla June | TEDxKC now: https://youtu.be/eH5zJxQETl4
What if these human hands and minds could be such a great gift to the earth
that they sparked new life wherever people and purpose met?
I’d like to share with you today
four important Indigenous land management techniques,
ones I’ve identified through my doctoral research
in hopes that they might inform and inspire us today.
The first is to tap into and align ourselves with the forces of nature.
Why try to control the earth when you can work with her?
Thank you – Is there anything more meaningful than loving someone? Being loved by a whole heart! Anything more magical than being celebrated for exactly what you are and what you are not!
Love you,
Respect you,
See you,
Whole Heart!
To Find out about this & other upcoming events –
Please ask questions and write to me here: https://drsarahlarsen.com/contact/
All get invited in the newsletter”
Private Coaching for female doctors diagnosed with Cancer, Miracle Makers , plus a few brothers and sisters of the Personal Development For Extraordinary People Community!
25k for once a week
50k for twice a week
75k for thrice
100k for five times and
150k for daily access.
Yes Speak once a day for 365 days -150K paid in full for the year
Speak once a week for 25K paid in full or $2,400 for the month!
To learn of coaching or private retreats plus sponsorship opportunities around the world please write to me here: https://drsarahlarsen.com/contact/
Please write to me, Dr. Sarah Larsen on the contact page for more details about free medical intuitive readings.
You may be invited to meet in person when Dr. Sarah is in your part of the world!
Please reach out here to see when Dr. Sarah is available for you!
Free medical Intuitive readings happen usually on the 29th of most months!
Please ask your questions and please know Dr. Sarah Larsen is unavailable to say yes for new projects until after Sept 29th, 2023