“What could humanity accomplish, if it did not matter who got the credit.” I am paraphrasing a quote I learned in childhood that continues to give to my thinking! Just imagine ~what we could accomplish!!!!
Compost the past | It was all Organic! | What will Humanity Accomplish for Earth?
I learned that question when I lived in Pakistan at a very young age speaking Farsi, Hindi, Urdu, and learning English while watching my grandfather tell stories of Gandhi because we immigrated to the United States. Immigrating in the 70s, I was filled with Bob Hope movie versions of humanity, freedom, and love. Ideas, fairness, and collective humanity always won! The girl in the movies ~witty, wise, and moving men to transform old ways of being into nurturing a greater love! I do not know who I am paraphrasing and I believe they probably died over 200 years ago. He or She really doesn’t want the credit just for humanity to realize itself and create the change we wish to experience without needing credit. Agree? Disagree? I need your advice. Could this incredible artist that made this transforming art have done it without the progress from generation to generation? WOW!!!!! And does this art move, inspire, or generate ideas within your thinking? Alive today I am filled with such drive to become the greatest generations that ever lived. #ideasworthspreading #youmakeallofthedifference #yourlifematters #brilliancebeginswiththeeyeofthebeholder