10 Foods That Detox Your Body and Cleanse Your Liver
I love to cook and I love to serve amazing treats that are delightful to each one of your senses!!
My Thoughts for you dear friends is why not incorporate the top 10 foods that detox your body and cleanse your liver.
Your beautiful liver is on the right side of your body and it filters just about everything that comes into your body especially your digestive tract when you eat.
All the toxins we eat, drink and breathe in get clogged up in this hard-working organ.
Even though our body has it’s own natural detoxification system, there is a lot we can do to give it a helping hand, largely by eating the right kinds of foods.
Most of the foods in the gallery contain a special protein called glutathione.
Glutathione binds with toxins and drags them out of our body…quite effectively.
Here’s the catch: this binding process works best when foods are eaten raw
In fact, all of the foods listed here go from being a great source of glutathione to not containing any at all when they’re cooked.
Food for thought.
I put regular amounts of these foods in my diet on a weekly basis.
I want you to be healthy and getting younger and younger so we have more time to meet and do awesome fun stuff together!!!
Along with plenty of fresh water, your liver will be loving you in no time.
Of course, it wouldn’t hurt to ease off the sugar, alcohol and processed foods – as they’re all known “liver-cloggers.”
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