Did God Make You Responsible For Your Own Evolution?
Did you know you have a region in your brain called by Yale Researcher, “Angel Lobes?”
Are you ready to revise your programming?
Isaiah 41:10
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Could you give your pain and stories to God? Could you use your brain to connect with God and receive the peace of God? Does the Peace of God Live in your Angel Lobes? Can your brain change and rewire to see and experience miracles?
More than anything in my life, I want you to find the peace of God.
I found it. And I am passionate about helping others find it. Together, here we can create the peace of God for everyone.
I had a traumatic childhood and dedicated my life to being of service to God. I used service as a way to thank God for being rescued. I became a doctor and began to serve all I could. Underneath all of the busy woman service, however, I was a very damaged girl with issues.
I believed giving healthcare would bring the peace of God to those I served and I would be worthy! I didn’t ever think about peace of God for myself. I didn’t consider myself at all.
I had to want the peace of God not just for the people I was serving. In 2003, I felt God offering me a deeper level of peace, the only catch. I had to want the peace of God for me and my developing baby. I had to change, I had to take risks, and I had to learn to consider me.
About your evolution and regions of your brain
Psychologists have long known that negative thought processes create. The more we think about, or “ruminate,” on a negative thought, the more entrenched the thought becomes the more limited to those patterns we become. Negative and traumatic thoughts also tend to “loop”. These thoughts play themselves over and over until you do something consciously to stop them. The more these negative thoughts loop, the stronger the neural pathways become, and the more difficult it becomes to stop them!
This is why thoughts that cause depression, anxiety, panic, obsessions, and compulsions can become so difficult to combat. Suicide, addiction, and accidents happen. And along the way, these thoughts stir up emotional and physiological reactions. These reactions are passed down to the process of your cells which are generating. Your cells are regenerating right now! Your thoughts are evolving you right now! You will become more loving and living or you will become more fearful and available to the Angel of death.
In my personal journey, I had learned faulty fearful beliefs. I thought that you had to deny your own wants in order to serve God. I had a faulty belief that I couldn’t have a family, be-loved, and be safe to receive. My cells were not regenerating health and vibrancy towards myself. I wasn’t sleeping, eating, or loving toward me. My self-talk was harsh. My body was looping two main themes: It is only safe to give and work harder, you will feel better not having needs!
By day my brain and medical skills were highly in service to others. By night, I had a negative loop traumatizing me. I didn’t let anyone close to me. I denied there was ever a problem. Everything, nicely sugar-coated! No one around me knew me, not even me. God knew me.
Are you sharing yourself with others? Are you learning about yourself?
Knowing yourself brings you one step closer to knowing God.
“I am the subject I know best. The subject I want to better.” Frida Kahlo
Sages from Socrates to Meister Eckhart have told us the best way to find God is to look within yourself.
Marriages make you look within:
I had refused to learn about myself because I had wired everything about me to myself in a loop of pain, discomfort, and hurt. Serving others felt good. Thinking about me felt bad. God arranged a meeting with destiny. With a new possibility in my life, I began rewiring myself as not just a giver of God’s love. I had to become a receiver of God’s love and peace.
Angel Lobes: Accessing the best thoughts possible!
Angel lobes are latent lobes found in the prefrontal cortex region of your brain. This is a region of the brain that creates extraordinary possibility for humanity.
The late Dr.Paul MacLean coined the term. As a physician and neuroscientist, he made significant contributions in the fields of physiology, psychiatry, and brain research through his work at Yale Medical School and the National Institute of Mental Health. Those regions of your prefrontal cortex are highly engaged in empathy, compassion or altruism, emotional stability, self-understanding, and pro-social attitudes, including a tolerance for others’ values.
Current research by Dilip V. Jeste, MD, and Thomas W. Meeks, MD, of UC San Diego’s Department of Psychiatry and the Stein Institute for Research on Aging, is contributing to understanding this region of your brain.
Their research is focused primarily on functional neuroimaging studies. These studies measure changes in blood flow or metabolic alterations in the brain, as well as on neurotransmitter functions and genetics.
They found, for example, your medial pre-frontal cortex is activated by pondering a situation calling for altruism. Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and Medial pre-frontal cortex is activated while moral decision-making is considered. This wires different parts of your brain for sustaining attention and working memory.
Your medial pre-frontal cortex is the seat of emotional and social working memory! Your anterior cingulate cortex is where conflict detection resides and is sometimes also associated with a so-called “sixth sense” functions.
You have all kinds of Programming Inside Of You
If you get pain, trauma and not knowing yourself out of the way, God can do even more amazing work through you! You have to know you in order to access God at deeper and deeper levels.
Change yourself to what is possible from God’s perspective. You change yourself by letting go and breaking patterns with you that no longer serve! Then you become the place where angel lobes fire frequently and miracles are possible!
My Angel Lobes and sixth sense was “on” based on using that region of my brain to serve as a doctor in poor areas of the world and constantly asking myself, “How is God calling me to serve?”.
I was pondering the questions that caused this curious region to receive blood and metabolism. I receive clear messages and solutions from a higher power.
I could hear God’s guidance for me and those I speak with. It can inform you and all who choose to participate in self-evolution based being a beneficial presence on the planet for God.
When I was serving as a doctor, I was operating with faulty beliefs about myself and our world. I was helping alleviate suffering for the poor but I was not taking responsibility for evolving myself or the future. I was almost on autopilot.
Because I love God, and listen deeply, I was an excellent student when God’s voice spoke to me. I listened to the urge to go to Nashville. I listened to the directions to spend time where God said was necessary. I believe God chose for me.
Destiny, God’s plan for me was named, Greg Larsen. When I met this man, (who later became my husband and father to our kids0, I had an eating disorder.
I rarely slept more than an hour and I could easily give to others but I could not easily receive from others! I was in Nashville for a very short period. Looking back, we know it was divine intervention for both of us!
Even though I was very uncertain, scared and nervous. I married him because God said to marry him and my parents approved.
When I became pregnant, that little light inside of me, turned on to be the best Mom I could be! All of a sudden, I cared about me because of all the things I had accomplished in life, I wanted to do this to the best of my ability.
I had met all my babies in a near death experiences years earlier in my traumatic childhood. I wanted my baby to be as health and happy as humanly possible when she came to have a body. I finally could truly want the peace of God for myself. I finally had to become certain about me, my value, and who I am for God.
I could see, hear and contribute in meaningful ways to others and yet I was living a quiet life of desperation because I didn’t know myself, I sugar coated everything and wasn’t authentically expressing. I was a people pleaser! I was of service on autopilot.
I was conditioned and wired by my brain to deny my fundamental desires to have a family and be a mom. Yet, I had a passion to become greater than I had ever been before for myself to provide health to my baby.
Being pregnant and having a family was a dream come true.
I didn’t believe I could have them and I didn’t even know how much I hurt when I believed that all of those years. I was in denial. I didn’t realize that denial was adding trauma and programming too!
I could manage all of my emotions by not eating, smoking, and not sleeping in the past. However, for the baby, I had to stop everyone of my coping and self denying behaviors.
Every time, I slowed down, I would hurt. And if I got overwhelmed by the hurt I would get angry and leave. I would then get very busy again. Married and pregnant, I couldn’t leave. Crazy coping and growing began to happen. Profuond research and relearning began.
God knew. God knows what you don’t even know, you don’t know about you.
God, Spirit and your body know what you are denying about yourself. God knows who you are here to be and about your essence.
Truly right now, decide to let go of the old you, let go and let God. Let God give you peace.
Are You Always Self-Creating?
Matthew 13:12
Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.
Luke 19:26
I tell you that everyone who has will be given more; but the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.
You are the evidence of this. Just consider the process of your cells regenerating.
Everyday about one percent of all of your cells die and are replaced. At your cellular level you have a new body about every three months. Yes, three months from now you will have either a more vital body or a body with more challenges.
Vitality or Challenges based on how you perceive this moment. Your nervous system, your brain is being recreated, and it is a path that builds on itself.
Add to your vitality and have more abundance or diminish your ability to participate fully in what is possible for you! Participate in the service of others and activate higher levels of possibility for yourself and all of God’s creatures.
How you interpret this present moment determines if you have more. Interpretations of events in the current moment lead you to feeling. Those feelings create. Feeling resourceful creates vitality. Giving consideration to your maximum potential to being of a beneficial presence gives you access to higher experiences.
Research shows feeling stressed can cause illness. 98% of all illness can be correlated back to stress responses. Your responses to events could be creating disease. Creating “Dis” or “No” “Ease” or “Dis-ease”!
Interpretations of current moment events that create stressful responses in your body decrease your vitality. Decrease blood flow to your brain. Increase blood flow to your self-defense.
When you feel less resourceful, you feel stress, maybe stuck in your thinking. The stress response creates, fight, flight, or freeze. You have less possibility from within yourself. You have less possibility from with everything around you. This is in our oldest books written, this is in your body, and this is being shown repeatedly by scientific research.
Your thoughts and connection to trust and faith either heal you or your thoughts and reactions cause disease.
Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease. Hippocrates
Psalm 30:2
O LORD my God, I cried to You for help, and You healed me.
The Nobel Prize winners in medicine, neuroscientist Dr. Thomas Sudhof discovered synaptic transmission–how brain cells communicate via chemicals.
Unless you actively become aware of your own programming you are recreating trauma over and over again that you experienced! We all are. We are wired in our brain that way for self protection. Only those actively “firing” neurons in the Angel lobes have access to see things and possibilities. Those that have less blood flow and firing to the Angel lobes of the brain have less abilities.
Right now much of the world is wired and programmed with fear. Fear stands for “False evidence appearing Real”! That is why there is so many misunderstandings in the world, suffering people, and war.
This results in a kind of surreptitious learning that psychiatrist Daniel Siegel calls “memory masquerading as fact.” It is passed down generationally, mother to child, and into each of your cells that are multiplying.
Neurons that fire together wire together.
Simplified, your brain cells communicate with one another via synaptic transmission. One brain cell releases a chemical called neurotransmitter that the next brain cell absorbs. This communication process is known as “neuronal firing.” When brain cells communicate frequently, the connection between them strengthens. Messages that travel the same pathway in the brain over & over begin to transmit faster & faster. With enough repetition, they become automatic. Your body produces more of the same over and over again. Your body and mind like sameness!
That’s why even a little bit of practicing something makes it “perfect”! The more you do or “practice” what you did the day before the more your biology produces the same chemicals. It longs for and creates the same experiences to keep the same type of neurotransmitters firing together!
The longer you have had fearful and self protective thoughts, the more “perfect” those neurons fire together. The more you have thought of others, in service and compassion, the more those neurons fire together.
Listen to God, Love, and Possibility, It Could Rewire Your Brain
Accessing your “Angel Lobe” in your Prefrontal Cortex
Luke 17:20-21
The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you” !
Listening to God, getting married to Greg Larsen, blessed with babies, my desire to be the best Mom I could be, made me deal with my issues. Listening to God and facing my issues allows me to be of bigger service than I ever imagined possible. I am on a path to be able help more people.
I can share my most vulnerable, authentic, and painful stories to help others because God has got me. I also have bigger challenges. I grow in my ability to serve by not denying any aspect of myself!
I developed in service to God, peace and oneness more ways to be of service to those around me. I love helping others become who they are meant to be.
You can release thinking and behavior regularly by asking God to release what no longer serves you. Examine you thoughts, ideas, and behaviors.
Surround yourself more and more with love, people who think beautifully and help you become more you.
God’s love, service to science, and to peace on earth happens through you.
I could have kept myself from realizing my potential, joy, and peace of God by staying in fear. I could be somewhat happy serving mothers and kids in developing parts of the world. Because, I chose a different path more aligned to my authentic self and God. I listened, I got help and that created heavenly results beyond what I could have done in one lifetime.
I am helping more people as a wife, mother, mentor, faith minister, writer, speaker, retreat leader, and media contributor. I speak about Miracle, God, and Angels to people all over the world. I no longer am a practicing physician because being a Miracle Maker, Miracle Medium and Medical Intuitive is God’s plan.
I speak to audiences large and small about activating and using more of your brain, love, and possibilities.
If I remained in service as a doctor in developing countries, I would have missed love. I might have missed becoming a mother. I would have missed being able to help you.
I believe if you miss giving yourself what you ultimately want, you miss love. The true desires in your heart, God has given you the means to receive it!
When you focus your resourcefulness toward gratitude, possibility, and
communion, you weave peace, faith, and vitality into every one of your cells.
When you focus on what you have, how you have survived and thrived possibly you become more abundant. This isn’t just your thoughts or your body self-creating it is your very essence receiving from God, Source, and the Connected Universe.
When you take each moment as a possibility, your heart and your brain connect better. Your body becomes available to higher and higher levels of thinking.
This isn’t wishful thinking, it comes from leading-edge research in the fields of neurology, mind-body connection, and Neurobiochemistry.
All of these fields are examining the process of cell regeneration, your brain activity, neurotransmission, and latent possibilities within you that can be evolved. You are being given evidence of you become like those you hang around too!
Seeing Angels and the Unseen by Most People World
In the bible, seeing Angels was a regular occurrence. With scientific evidence, you know that it is possible. Scientific research is catching up!
I had to give my pain and stories to God, as I sat and listened to them. My pain and stories open to myself and God, I asked for the “Peace of God”.
Luke 1:26-28
26 In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, 27 to a virgin pledged in marriage to a man named Joseph, who was of the house of David. And the virgin’s name was Mary. 28 The angel appeared to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored!
Sicily Angel
This Angel asked me to take it’s pictures as I lead a spiritual retreat to Sicily, Italy, with Connie Costa. My tour group was stopped in traffic at the sight of an accident. This Angel asked me to take it’s picture. The whole story is being featured in “The Illumined Ones: An Angel Documentary Film”.
Angels appear in the Bible from the beginning to the end, from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation. You can see Angels just like children experience. And you can access your natural abilities because you can rewire your brain.
How to turn on your sixth sense and angel lobes:
A whole step by step process to engage your angel lobes is referenced my website: Dr SarahLarsen.com
1.Revising Your Programming:
Ask repeatedly of a negative thought: “How would I show up in this moment if I were not having this negative thought?”
You are indeed “uninstalling” those old operating programs you don’t want.
New ideas and behaviors will become available as your body relaxes with and ask for “the peace of God”. “Please Grant grant me your Peace.”
Begin focusing on “How you are moment to moment!”
2. Breathe deeply. And as you put your attention on your breath ask yourself, “How is God calling me to serve right now!” Encourages extra oxygenation of the blood going to your brain that is the Angel lobe. These regions are designed to help you shine your light to help yourself and others.
3. Focus on gratitude. Research demonstrates that appreciation brings us into inner alignment at the levels of the brain, heart, and mind
4. Notice & name triggers. From: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/wander-woman/201507/5-steps-managing-your-emotional-triggers
The 1st step is to accept responsibility for your reactions.
Accept yourself as powerful instead of as victim to remove the veil of self-deception. When you seek to identify what is triggering how you feel in the moment, you give yourself the chance to feel differently if you want to. You will also have more clarity on what you need to do or what you need to ask for to change your circumstances.
What would your life look like if you were in control of your reactions? How free would you feel if you lived your life by choice? If these questions inspire you to diligently practice the steps for emotional freedom, read on.
The 2nd step is to recognize that you are having an emotional reaction as soon as it begins to appear in your body.
According to neuroscientist Antonio Damasio, author of Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow and the Feeling Brain, at any moment, your rate of breathing, blood flow, tension in your muscles and constriction in your gut represents a pattern you can identify as a feeling. The sooner you recognize that you are breathing quickly or not at all, that certain muscles in your body tightened, or that you feel pressure in your gut or heart, stop and ask yourself what you are feeling and why. You can download a list of emotional states and an exercise to increase your awareness of emotions on this page.
Don’t judge or fear your emotions. No matter what you learned about the evils of emotions, if you don’t recognize your feelings, you can’t change them, negatively impacting your relationships, job performance, and overall happiness.
If the emotion is related to fear, anger, or sadness, the 3rd step is to determine what triggered the emotion.
What do you think you lost or what did you not get that you expected or desired to have?
The strengths that have helped in life are also your greatest emotional triggers when you feel someone is not honoring one of them. When your brain perceives that someone has taken or plans to take one of these important things away from you, your emotions are triggered.
The quicker you notice an emotion is triggered, the sooner you can discover if the threat is real or not.
The following list includes some of the most common emotional triggers, meaning you react when you feel as though you aren’t getting or will not get one of these needs met.
acceptance respect be liked
be understood be needed be valued
be in control be right be treated fairly
attention comfort freedom
peacefulness balance consistency
order predictability love
safety feel included autonomy
fun new challenges independence
Choose three items from the list that most often set off your emotions when you don’t get these needs met. Be honest with yourself. Which three needs, when not met, will likely trigger a reaction in you? Identify the needs that you hold most dear.
Some of these needs will be important to you. Others will hold no emotional charge for you. Some seem to overlap; choose the words you feel strongly about and begin to notice when your reactions are tied to an unmet needs.
Needs are not bad. You have these needs because, at some point in your life, the need served you. For example, your experiences may have taught you that success in life depends on maintaining control, establishing a safe environment, and having people around you who appreciate your intelligence. However, the more you are attached to having control, safety and being seen as smart, the more your brain will be on the lookout for circumstances that deny you your needs. The unmet need or threat becomes an emotional trigger.
The 4th step is to choose what you want to feel and what you want to do.
With practice, the reaction to your emotional triggers could subside, but they may never go away. The best you can do is to quickly identify when an emotion is triggered and then choose what to say or do next.
Ask yourself: Are you really losing this need or not? Is the person actively denying your need or are you taking the situation too personally? If it’s true that someone is ignoring your need or blocking you from achieving it, can you either ask for what you need or, if it doesn’t really matter, can you let the need go for now?
Choose to ask for what you need, let it go if you honestly feel that asking for what you need will have no value, or do something else to get your need met.
The 5th step is to actively shift your emotional state.
You can practice this step at any time, even when you first notice a reaction to help you think through your triggers and responses. When you determine what you want to do next, shift into the emotion that will help you get the best results.
Relax – breathe and release the tension in your body.
Detach – clear your mind of all thoughts.
Center – drop your awareness to the center of your body just below your navel.
Focus – choose one keyword that represents how you want to feel in this moment. Breathe in the word and allow yourself to feel the shift.
Stop trying to managing your emotions. Instead, choose to feel something different when an emotion arises. This is how you gain emotional freedom.
5. Smile to turn on your Angel Lobes. Research shows that when you smile—even if it at first feels forced, because you are really in a funk—you do get happier. Again, it’s the brain’s own pharmacy at work!
6.Nourish yourself. Omega 3 EFAs (essential fatty acids) are the equivalent of motor oil for the healthy functioning of the brain..
7. Connect with others based common values like service, kindness, and healing.
8. Do something that uses one of senses. Like right now, listen to all the sounds around you! Smell the place you are now! Feel the temperature of your breath!
9. Appreciation what is around you especially yourself.
Dr. Sarah Larsen turns on dormant regions of your brain with EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE!
Have you tried Tapping? I truly believe that it is a wonderful and life-changing tool.”
What is Emotional Freedom Techniques?
Dr. Sarah Larsen uses many points!
A chart will be created for you and your emotional freedom:
How does it work?
Scientific evidence is now showing us that by tapping on these key points we are firstly affecting the amygdala, and turning down the negative stress response where it is innapropriate, and we are also balancing the bodies energies and nervous system which promotes healing at an increased level.
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