I was wondering how do you measure if ordetermine if the electromagnetic fieldof a body is coherent or not and alsocan you influence the electromagneticfield and alter happenings in the bodyor is it only from body out okay sowhile you might be able to give a betteranswer than I will but you know thereare there’s Kirlian photography that hasbeen used amongst you know these yogicpractitioners where you can actuallylook at the the field electromagneticfield and then you can also loosen ityou know which part of theelectromagnetic spectrum it is this isvery early stages but right noweverybody here is radiating anelectromagnetic field that is at leasteight feet from where they are that canbe detected and we are creatinginterference patterns so at a veryfundamental level we are regulated by weare regulating we are monitored by andwe are monitoring each other’s biologyand emotional states and states ofconsciousness so the yogic expression iswhen a person is firmly established inin non-violence then all beings aroundhim cease to feel hostility includinganimals and so on because their field iscoherent but as I said these are veryearly stages there and still theoreticalmodels being developed but something wewant to do very much so your heartradiates an electromagnetic fieldwhich is very powerful obviously becauseyou know the pacemaker cells there andthe brainyou
what I believe is that the surest way toactually influence or change the way youinfluence the world is when you changeyour relationships with yourself youknow when I heard the theme for thesafest expanding influence I had astrong feeling that I have to share whatI have to share I have to share mymessage and I literally force my team toallow me to come back on the stage toshare with you and surprisingly what I’mgoing to talk about it’s probably alittle bit contradictory to the wholetheme of the event which is expandingyour influence and I’ll try to explainwhy the thing is that influence orinfluencing people is actually a vectorthen it’s a force for the direction wehope that something that we do or we weare or maybe something that we say isgoing to change people around us isgoing to change the world so there isthat vector in it what I’m going to talkabout is a buzzword but I hope we can gobeyond the buzz is authenticity or beingyourself being a true self and that isan internal process it is it has nodirection you cannot be authentic forsomeone else because it is being true toyourself it’s being yourself so what I’mgoing to talk about is that you know themoments that you’re trying to givedirection to your fanta city to come toshow show your authenticity to someonelet’s say or to make a point throughbeing authentic you’re giving adirection to it and it loses its coreits essence of being internal processand becomes a show rather than trulyauthenticity so that’s what we are goingto talk about because I believe and I’mgoing to make a tiny logical jump rightnow here but the rest of my 28 minutesI’m going to explain what happened inthat logical jump what I believe is thatthe surest way to actually influence orchange the way you influence the worldis when you change your relationshipwith yourself and if you’re in personalgrowth you know the first rule ofpersonal growth which is that nobody cando anything with you or to you youcannot transform you cannot grow youcannot learn through someone else or youcannot someone and make someone else dothat for you you have to do it yourselfthis is the process which comes throughyou so if you understand that you knowthat actually whatever happens to you isyou react to whatever happens in theworld people who have been in arelationship for a long time they knowthat we can’t change our partners wecan’t we have this whole desire to makethem a little better to teach themsomething but actually what happens isthat if you’re in a long time in arelationship we learn to adjust ourbehavior to each other our behaviors butnot the motivation which is beyond thatbehavior so if you take that that firstrule of personal growth that you do notreally change other people then thewhole idea of influence becomes in a wayan illusion and the only thing that wecan change is ourselves as arelationship with ourselves a verysimple example if somebody if ourpartner let’s say does something to usand we feel something about that whathappens is that there is an action andwe attribute or we give it a certainmeaning we interpret it in a way whichis not maybe even true and then we reactto our own interpretation so if we lookat it from this point of view then itmakes sense to actually sort out ourrelationships with ourselves firstbefore we try to have an illusion ofchanging the world so what I believe isthat authenticity is not really choiceit’s a prerequisite for a lot of thingsbeing yourself being honest withyourself being true with yourselfactually accepting yourself and lovingyourself is a prerequisite to beinghappy to living a fulfilled life andit’s a prerequisite to actually havingany meaningful impact on people in yourlife or having an influence in thatmatter and the thing is that when we areborn we actually know what it is to beourselves and I won’t and have to warnyou we’re going to talk aboutauthenticity this whole half an hourthat I’m onstage and authenticity is notreally a switch which you can switch onand switch off at well it is more like aI don’t know cold or whatever it isattached to the parachute when you jumpout of the plane and you pull that cordthe chute opens and that’s it you can’tput it back together and get back intothe plane the same thing thatauthenticity was being honest withourselves the moment you learn it backit doesn’t go away anymore you cannotlive the old way so this is this is awarning if you’re going on that pathit’s it’s like in a movie you’re goingon an adventure and you have to go allthe way through you will have to go intothat scary dark cave and grow through itand then come out on the other side sothe thing is that of course we we areborn authentic we are born real we don’tput on anything to be accepted but thenwith time of course we learn to put onmasks and this is normal when we arekids we are being told you have tobehave in a certain way please behavebe polite right so we start learning toput on the masks to put up in the maskof politeness of civility the mask ofbeing interested in the person who istalking to you sometimes the mask ofbeing upset and angry if you havechildren you will relate a child doessomething to us not to us child doessomething something naughty and we wantto make a point this was wrong and weput in the mask of being upset mommy isangry it’s a mask unfortunately we dothat with grownups as well we sometimesdon’t let go of our resentment and webehave as we upset with someone to makea point to make a point that you need tochange something so we put on thosemasks and it is okay because we havedifferent roles you know in the morningI was a student right now I’m speakinghere on stage sometimes I’m a mothersometimes I’m a child so we have thoseroles we have those masksit’s fine it is absolutely fine theproblem is that sometimes we forget whatis behind them we start identifyingourselves with those masks and I want totalk about why do we do thatwhy do we put on the masks the thing isthat our one of our strongest needs isto connect and it is an evolutionaryneed because to 12,000 years ago when welived in in well very much like animalsus as animals as a biological species weare not very we’re very easy prey rightvery easy food so of course for us beingrejected from the tribe was the matterof life or deathI’m not saying anything new here but thething is that evolutionarily our biologyhasn’t changed so much in 12,000 yearsso of course right now rejection alsofeels like the matter of life or deathand we might say that oh come on we weall understand but the truth is ourbiology takes it as the question of lifeor death that’s rightrejection is so scary it’s so painful sowe put on the masks to be accepted andit’s fine because people who don’t wearany masks are very authentic the waythey are and their expression ofsometimes not very pleasant people to bearound unfortunately so it’s fine it’sfine to put on the masks but we have tounderstand that that mask is actuallystanding between us and the connectionsobrina Brown who I love very much she’sthe researcher she’s a sociologist she’sa TED speaker and author I’m sure a lotof people you know her she researchedwhat makes people feel strongconnections and what she discovered wasthis there’s another buzzword there shediscovered that people who are capableof creating strong connections arepeople who believe that they’re worthyof lovethe way they are right now they believethat they’re worthy of love it doesn’tmean that they don’t want to becomebetter but they believe that they arestill lovable they’re people who havethe courage to show themselves the waythey are to the world and the buzz wordvulnerability but the meaning thatBrown boots into that and it isimportant is this vulnerability is ourability to act despite the uncertaintyof how our action is going to be takenso it’s not about sharing the darkestsecret about ourselves it’s actuallywillingness to act without knowing howthe world is going to receive you so forexample if you’re sharing a joke to easeout the mood it is an act ofvulnerability if you’re approachingsomeone that you don’t know initiating aconflict it’s an act of vulnerabilityand of course if you’re sharing a darkpainful moment for the first time it’salso an act of vulnerability I think itis important to understand what itreally means because unfortunately bothauthenticity and vulnerability can bemasks that we wear and a mask issomething that stands between us and avery strong little connection so I findit paradoxical we put on a mask so thatwe accepted by the world yet to beaccepted and to truly make strongconnections we have to learn to take offthe masks and I believe that the trueproblem of current society is is theloneliness epidemic we live in thisworld where we are separated by a lot ofpeople who live in big cities in bigbuildings in my building we have so manypeople I can’t even imagine to count howmany people live in in in the buildingwhere I live on social media we havehundreds thousands of friends some of ushave millions of followers we learn tocommunicate in a certain way don’t replya message to thoughts it’s creepy don’twrite very long message it’s creepywe live in the world of superficialbite-size communication and we are soobsessed with our reach while what weneed to remember is how to connect withpeople truly connect Jay shawty wastalking about that when you make threesteps wide you have to also go deep notjust white so I believe that wellactually have known it’s not that Ibelieve it’s researchresearch shows that the number onekiller in the contemporary societysocial isolation and lonliness becausewe’ve unlearned the art of connecting oftruly connecting authenticallyconnecting you can say that its researchshows that if we think that cancer orcardiovascular disease killers know inreality it’s social isolation yourchances of surviving cancer are muchhigher if you have strong connections inyour lifestrong meaningful connections in yourlife it is so bad that in UK they havethe ministry to deal with socialisolation I want to come back to themasks because the masks are the thingsthat actually separate us fromconnecting truly with people and one ofthe masks which I think is the mostdangerous is the mask of affection it’sthe mask that we put on and we associatewith it we it becomes our our identity alot of us a lot of us who want to becomebetter we have a beautiful picture ofwhat it is to be the best version of meand it is good understand me correctlyI’m in business of helping people totransform and grow I want people to wantto be a better version of ourselves butthe thing is that when we wear it as amask and associate with that there are alot of dangers for example I’m anenlightened human being I believe inlove and I live love how can I not likethat person no it’s impossible I believein love I don’t like but I can I cannotnot like that person what do we do weresort to a very old classical escapemechanism reaction formation wouldpretend that we like that person webehave as if we like that person we tryto convince ourselves rather thandealing with a question why does thisperson trigger that feeling in merather than being honest with ourselvesright oh another example I’m a strongpersonI’m optimistI’ve been through so much and I’m stillstanding how can this littleinsignificant problem make me feel sobad it’s impossibleI’m an optimist shake it off you knowpush through anybody who understandspsychology knows that these methods notonly do not they not work they’reactually dangerous because theyundermine our emotional well-being sowhat I’m trying to drive at is if wehave that mask of perfectionist that weassociate with it has those dangerousplaces where we’re going to ignorecertain things which don’t fit thatpicture of perfection this is not what Iwant to be I can no I don’t want toassociate for that so do it what do wedo we put it in the closet we close thedoorand we stuff disclose it with more andmore feelings like that and that’s howover time we forget what we truly arebecause we don’t acknowledge what wefeel to the endI love the saying bye nothing actuallyI’m referring to Ken Wilber he said wehave a weird obsession about the lightside everything light and beautiful butif we acknowledge the fact thateverything came from one source whetheryou believe in God or universe a BigBang whatever you believe in if weacknowledge the fact that everythingcame from one source then why do wedemonize the dark so when I’m talkingabout being authentic I’m talking aboutbeing honest with yourself and learningto love yourself love the full spectrumof yourself not just the facade ofperfection that we build but also allthe other rooms of the building eveneven the basement even where we don’twant to go so I’m going to share a storywith you I was born in Soviet Union andin Soviet Union we didn’t believe muchin two individuals we had a systemindividuals were part of the system andluckily it’s a life of a pet you knowthe system tells you how to besuccessful so I had this what I callHermione syndrome I had to be successfulby the scenario that the system gave meI started well I went to good UniversityI got a good degree I got a good goodjob I got married mmmstatistically we are supposed to havetwo children I have two children a boyand a girl hmmstatistically correct by the age of 40 Ihad built a perfect life a work that Iloved I truly love my work businessfamily travels meaningful life but Irealized that the only place where canafford myself to to acknowledge thatmaybe I’m struggling with certainemotions maybe maybe I’m not that happymaybe there is something about me whichI don’t understand how to deal with thatthe only place where I could acknowledgethat was when I went to the bathroom andlocked the door and nobody could see mebecause my picture my mask of perfectiondidn’t have space for messed up me Icouldn’t afford to show it to anyoneand that unfortunately unraveled a verylong process of self-discovery how doyou know where to dig at that time lastyear at 40 I decided I’m done I’m donefeeling guilty and ashamed for what I amit’s time I accept myself what I ambecause I can become better yes I canbecome better but I cannot become betterif I don’t acknowledge where I am rightnow if I don’t accept what I have towork with and to accept means also toactually be honest and actually see whatyou have to work with so how do you knowwhere to dig usually the places where weare lying to ourselves because trust me16 years in personal growth I know thatmost of us most of us believe that weare honest with ourselves we understandourselves we know ourselves that’s whatI felt last year I was I was sincere Istill am but the truth is that sometimesthe deception that’s the essence ofdeception the self-deception is about usnot even realizing that sometimes we arenot living our own life so my life lastyear started unraveling my beautifulfacade of perfect life started breakinginto piecesI had a disney castle it was made out ofLegos LEGO pieces are still there intactI’m putting it back together I’m notsurewe’ll come out of that but I believemaybe spaceship definitely not a disneycastle so you know I’m actually muchhappier I still don’t know what’s goingto happen there’s a lot of uncertaintybut one thing that makes me happy I canjust be myself I don’t have to pretendthat’s the easiest thing I don’t need todo anything I didn’t need to prove Idon’t need to show I can just be myselfit’s so easy so liberating so SusanDavid she has a venture I love her sheis a psychologist she has a beautifulbook called emotional agility it shouldbe a must read in every schoolso Susan David has a very veryinteresting idea we cannot judgeemotions the moment when you feelsomething and you tell yourself oh no Ishouldn’t be feeling like that you knowI shouldn’t be liking that person or youknow you lose a job and you’re actuallyfeeling excited about the newopportunities rather than feeling scaredsociety expects you to feel scared oryou know any feeling we’re like whereeverybody’s happy and you feel uneasy oreverybody is sad and you feel actuallyat peace every time you tell yourself Ishouldn’t be feeling that that’s whereyou should dig if that’s the place whereyou can find out such interesting thingsabout yourself and Susan David talksabout that there are no right or wrongemotions don’t put pluses and minuses tothem good bad positive negative emotionsjust are you know emotions are given tous the same way that pain is given toour physical body there is a conditionwhen you can’t feel pain and it is asdisease because if you don’t feelphysical pain you can go out on a joglose a limb and not notice that the sameway with our emotions we’re givenemotions to pay attention to certainparts of our life and the moment when wejudge them we are not dealing with whatI they’re given to us so how do youstart the path to uncovering yourself isnotice the times when you tell yourselfI shouldn’t be feeling like that I havetwo children I love them I really lovethem but when I come to events like thatI’m most and immersed in work and Ienjoy it I enjoy to the point where Inot even remember that I have childrenfor four days before I would feelcognitive dissonance I shouldn’t befeeling like that I’m a bad man now Ijust accept the fact that contrary to myown expectations work it’s superimportant to me we find those places todig into in areas which have chargedwith strong emotions it’s oftenrelationships unfortunately it’s veryoften our sexuality our emotionalexpression for a woman young woman todecide that children is not her path isa scary choice is a scary decisionbecause that’s not what society expectsfrom her for a young man to decide thathe doesn’t want to earn moneythat’s not his it’s a scary thing andwhy should he if he doesn’t want so whatI’m earning you is that every time whenyou catch yourself thinking oh Ishouldn’t be feeling her that loo deeperyou might discover a lot of interestingthings about yourself so there are fewtools that you will need to deal withthat process the first one would be toactually learn to deal with pain loatheto deal with negative I’m sharing someof my teachers because I can’t go deepinto this suffix I don’t have enoughtimeGalen took down one of the FS speakershe talks beautifully about dealing withpain Susan David and brunette brown towhom I have referred they’re alsoamazing dealing with pain person whotaught me courage you would need courageis actually how record and anotherinteresting thing you will need andthat’s the scariest is to communicateyour new youth to the world and this isthe guy he’s a personal friend he’s ateacher unfortunately he teaches only inRussia but he teaches the open dialogueprinciples it’s not about radicalhonesty it’s about honesty with yourselfand also a healthy way to communicatewith the world so let me come back to towhat happens nextafter you find your path to yourselfafter you discover who you truly areafter you realize that the life that youhave built might not be completely whatyou wanted it’s communicating that tothe world and that’s the scary partbecause we are afraid topeople that we love and the thing washurt it’s very interesting you see ifyou’re a parents you would really relateto that but people who don’t havechildren but have people that they loveand their life they would also relate tothat when a child is born parent wantsthat child to be happy so what do we dowe do everything that the child doesn’tfeel pain we protect them from pain yetall of us understand that being is aninevitable part of life it’s going tohappen whether we like it or notno matter how enlightened and smart weare it’s going to happen so why do wedeprive our children of the ability tolearn how to cope with somethinginevitable in safe environment and we doit to our loved ones all the time we tryto protect our loved ones from painsacrificing our own truth thinkingthinking that if we pretend thinkingthat if we if we if if we sacrifice ourhappiness that the people around us aregoing to be happier the thing about painis unfortunately we all have our ownjourneys and sometimes our journeys needto teach us lesson and we have to gothrough them and if somebody comes andhelps you to avoid that lesson guesswhat will happen you will get it anywayagain so that’s the thing unfortunatelysometimes in life we have to take thingsphilosophically and I have this weirdthing about me I try to look abouteverything in life philosophically Iidentify myself as everyday lifephilosopher so how do you communicateyou truth to the loved ones knowing thatit might hurt them that’s actually thescary moment about being true toyourself what do you choose tocompromise what’s important to you sothat your loved ones don’t feel hurt orto stay true to your truth and actuallywitness your loved ones going throughpain when me and vision decided toseparate apart from that being a verycomplicated emotional process for bothof us the thing I was most scared of wastelling my parents and my children andof course my mom didn’t take it verywell she was in denial she was upset shetried to convince me that I’m wrong wellwe are wrong essentially because it wasa mutual decision we heard a lot thatcomments you guys what are you doingyou’re going to hurt people in your lifewhat do you do in that moment do youstay true to what you know it’simportant for youso it was hard with my mom I didn’t wantto talk to her for a while because Iknew that if I talk to her I’m going totry to convince her that I’m right toconvince her to feel differently aboutwhat’s happening but on the other hand Ialso understood that what she’s goingthrough is her own reaction to what Ienvisioned have decided it’s not abouther me and vision anymore something wedecided had triggered something in herand it is her own journey it is her ownbeam because in all honesty nothingchanged for her in her life at allso for a week I didn’t dare to talk toher and sure enough in a week she calledshe called it she said you knowChristina I started thinking about myown life and I realized that for 25yearsI chose not chose I was afraid to makethe choice to stay true to what I am andfor 25 years I would lock up myself inthe bathroom like I did to cry was itworth itshe said you know after I understoodthat I understand that what you’re doingis brave and even if the whole world isagainst you I’m going to support yourchoice and that goal that was somethingwhich I needed to hear because of courseI was doubting if what we chose withwhat we knew we knew that it wasimportant for us if we are doing theright thing knowing that people in ourlives are going to be hurt so not tomake it tooblew me years ago I used to work withrefugees and refugees in Asia havereally sad stories they usually loseeverything in their lives includingtheir loved ones and so I saw a lot ofmisery obviously on one side on theother side main mission we’re buildingup mind valley and mine riley is allabout you know helping people to livemore fulfilled extraordinary hat livesand the person who teaches how to behappy so I had this cognitive dissonancein my head all the timemisery happy how did I marry them andonce vision had was talking on the samestage with Dalai Lama and I was lucky toask that question to resent thatquestion to Delano every confession ofspeaking with him so we had the audienceand he said Cristina you can’t helpanyone if you’re not happy so if youchoose not to be happy for the sake ofsomeone remember you can’t help anyoneif you’re not happy and a prerequisiteto happiness is being honest withyourself as being yourself trulyyourself being or sending yourself it’sa prerequisite for happiness so what Iwant to finish it with guys please behappy thank youyouEnglish (auto-generated)Up nextAUTOPLAY10:02NOW PLAYINGDISCOVERY OF THE CENTURY | “This Will Change The Entire Humanity” | Gregg Braden and Bruce LiptonVideo Advice862K views1:19:30NOW PLAYINGCaroline Myss – Sojourns into the Desert of the Heart 2014 Part 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okay so that’s how everyone here showedup and when I was working with thecompany that produced this video therewas a lot of discussion why it takes 200million sperm to fertilize one egg andthe only conclusion some people came tois that guys don’t like to stop fordirections they’re always in a hurry soit takes 200 million for one egg in anycase so at that moment you had 23,000genes half from your mother and halffrom your fatherfor those of you or not and I believe alot of people here obviously arescientists or biologists or physiciansbut in case of any lay people here geneis a stretch of DNA that codes for aprotein it’s also a unit of heredity andDNA’s of course stands fordeoxyribonucleic acid there are threebillion base pairs that go to make thehuman genome but only four lettersstanding for those chemical bases Ididn’t go on inside to see in timing ATCand G which is the alphabet of all lifethe life of a fruit fly the life of abacterium the life of a rhinocerosa banana chimpanzee or a human being sowhile the English language has about 26letters not about it has 26 letters lifehas only four letters and it’s thecombination of these letters that givesus the 23,000 genes that make a human’sI go to the actual carbon hydrogenoxygen and nitrogen that goes into theDNA originally came from a dyingsupernova so the oxygen going to yourbrain right now and your himLerman or the carbon in your fingernailsthey may have come from differentgalaxies it takes almost the entireuniverse to conspire to create thatzygote that life begins with the humanlife and in those nine months ofgestationthere is the recapitulation of all ofevolution so there’s a there’s anexpression used by some biologists thatontogeny repeats phylogeny so duringthose nine monthsyou remember literally Yardley’s yourgenes remember the history of life onour planet which began about 3.8 billionyears ago with the first livingorganisms called chemoheterotroph ikhyperthermophiles that lived on the rimsof volcanoes and ultimately evolved intoall of life so during those nine monthsall of that memories there 65% of yourgenes are the same as a banana 80% arethe same as a mouse about 70% of thesame as a fruit fly and almost 99% 98point something are the same as achimpanzee so it’s a very interestingjourney to gestation and then throughembryo Genesis which involves literallynot only evolutionary memory but cosmicmemory because of the fact that in orderfor the cosmos to be what it is you haveto have certain constants and I’m not anexpert I know dr. Larry Smarr sitting inthe back and we’ll find probably faultwith what I’m going to say but theuniverse is very fine-tuned for life andmind I have had conversations withFreeman Dyson who said three riddleshave puzzled him all his lifenumber one the unpredictable movement ofatoms notis an unpredictable movement of atomsnumber two a universe fine-tuned forlife and mind and number three our ownconsciousness so there’s a big mysterydespite what you hear about the Big Bangand the fact that 96% of the universe isactually dark matter and dark energyonly 4% is atomic and of that 4% that isatomic 99.999% is invisible interstellardust so the visible universe with thebillions of galaxies and now we are toldtrillions of possibly habitable planetsnot just our galaxy but Andromeda Virgoand on and on is point zero one percentof the total universe that is atomic andas you know atoms are particles andparticles have a dual nature there arealso waves as particles they occupyspace in time they have units of massand energy and as waves they exist onlyas possibilities so I think some of themystery is lost about our existence whenwe look just at little bits and piecesand my definition of spirituality is toreach and the reinvent of our ownmystery the mystery of our existence themystery of life the mystery of how thatdouble-stranded DNA throughapproximately 50 replications only 50replications becomes almost a hundredtrillion cells that it takes to make ahuman being and this process ofmorphogenesis and differentiation whereone becomes two becomes four becomeseight and so on you have more cells inthe human body than all the stars in theMilky Way galaxyremembering the mystery of existencefrom the moment of the Big Bang rightthrough burstingburning stars and the creation of atomsand ultimately of DNA and then of lifeand not only human life but thereplication of all life as we emerge andthen as you come out of the wombprovided it’s not a caesarean sectionthen you inhale the secretions of yourmother the vaginal secretions youswallow them you’re covered by them andthis is the second inoculation of whatwould could really be called the secondgenome to point to additional genes thatcome from microbes approximately 2,000species so for every gene that you haveyou have approximately 150 times morebacterial genes and now life begins andyou know hopefully there’s a lot ofcooing and cuddling and singing andtouching and licking and kissing andexperience starts to happen and as aresult of this and the interactionbetween the microbiome and the humangenome but more importantly theexperience of life in the form of thefive senses sound touch sight tastesmell but also emotional connectionsbetween family and baby between motherand baby between the limbic emotionalbrain of the mother and the emotionalbrain of the baby who’s watching hereyes listening to her voicewatching her facial expressions and bodylanguage because there’s no linguisticlanguage you have a third structure thatstarts to develop what we now call theepigenomesheet of proteins above the gene andthis exquisite interaction between thegenome that you inherited the microbiomewhich represents literally the ecologyof the earth and the epigenome which isthe result of experience experienceperceptual experience emotionalexperience nutrition sleep and movementand now emotions you have the epigeneticmechanisms that start to regulate geneexpression and of course the gene istalking to the microbiome it’s anamazing cosmic symphony that is beingenacted that we call life so I first metRudy at a TEDMED after brain conferenceand I met him in the men’s room in theurinal and I said to Rudy do you thinkreally our brains and our genes arenouns or verbs and he said let’s gooutside and we’ll talk and we started anemail communication which led to ourcollaboration and when we say supergenes we actually mean thiscollaboration between genes microbiomeand epigenome so here’s what I’d like topresent you you know week I come from atradition which my training was as ofcourse a medical doctor and internistand then an endocrinologist and theneuroendocrinologist but I also have abackground in eastern wisdom traditionswhere the ontological primitive realityof everything is consciousness so youknow we have a different ontologicalassumption in the Western world wherethe basic idea is that everything israndom that mutations are random but ifyou look at the eastern wisdomtraditions they say beyond all thisphysical stuff beyond the forces andelements of nature beyond the atomsbeyond the particles beyond thepossibility waves is is underlying andyou don’t have to buy into thisphilosophy but it helped me in my growthis something called consciousness andthat consciousness is self-organizingits self evolving its self regulating itis recursive it remembers its ownhistory and then as it evolves it’s notonly recursive but it expresses itselfas complementarity so mind body are oneunit just like we use waves particles asone one idea or our mass energy as oneidea in the West mind body is one unitand mind body complementarities of thisdeep underlying self-regulatingself-evolving self-organizing recursivecreative deep intelligence at the heartof the universe and that there is nosuch thing as a structure there is nosuch thing as a thing when you look atanything you end up seeing that it’s anactivity so the human body is anactivity the universe’s and activityparticles are activities the body mindis an activity and the human body isthen understood as a dynamic activity ofseeming non change in the midst ofchange what we call homeostasis in theWest but it’s only seeming non changebecause from the moment of birth yourbody is also changing through you knowit’s developing and there are mechanismsfor not only differentiation as you areborn but after birth mechanisms lyingdeeply hidden within your genome as youknow only 2% of DNA is coding so therest is now called intergenicwhere there are mechanisms forregulation for when puberty will comewhen senescence will start and the wholelife cycle will repeat itself so basedon this we look at the human bodyas an expression of all these thingssensory experience sleeping wakingbreathing nutrition metabolismenvironment nature universe butcomplementary to that thoughts feelingsemotions desires memories imaginationinsight intuition creativity this is allone dance and by understanding thisdance we can see that the human body isnever still so when we look atbiological mechanisms in terms ofmolecular biology we’re actually notfully understanding the deeper activitythat is constantly in motion so this isnot a unique notion in the East theGreek philosopher Heraclitus is wellknown for saying that no man can stepinto the same river twice because it’s anew man it’s a new river so now I thinkwe can start to look at thisscientifically the body that you’reusing right now to listen to my lectureis not the one that you came in with alittle while ago you can look at any ofthese processes but even if you think ofthe simple act of breathing with everybreath you breathe in 10 to the power of22 atoms with every breath you breatheout 10 to the power of 22 atoms thatultimately are coming from all the cellsof your body so at this level you’rebreathing out bits and pieces of yourheart and kidney and brain tissue andtechnically speaking we’re allintimately sharing our organs with eachother all the time okay so you know thephysical body that you have right now isnot the one that you had even a littlewhile ago in less than one year youreplace 98% of all the molecules andatoms of your body so you’re replacing astomach lining every five days your skinevery month your skeleton every threemonths believe it or not and even theDNA which as we saw holds the memoriesof millions of years of evolutionarytime the actual stuff the carwhen the hydrogen the oxygen it comesand goes every six weeks like migratorybirds so this is my year 2016 model andthe last time I came to UCSDto give a lecture Paul brought me in thesame automobile but with a differentbody okay so this is one of the biginsights in Eastern wisdom traditionsthat you have a being that is a constantbut experience is never a constant soyour mind your thoughts your emotionsthe molecules of your body areexperiences you are having as a morefundamental consciousness and so withthis then all the modalities oftreatment become looking at these thingsthat cause the change in our bodies okayso the modalities of treatment areactually looking at activity and howthis sensory experience eating breathingdigestion metabolism elimination thoughtfeeling emotion desire personalrelationships social interactionsenvironment all seen as one unifiedholistic activity there is no divisionbetween mind and body no divisionbetween biological organism andenvironment or even the universe becauseit’s all one phenomenon it’s all oneunified activity and according to thiswisdom tradition it’s an activity in anontological primitive that is calledconsciousness so I could talk about thatin great detail at some other time butyou know the opposite of this holisticactivity of course is what has becomethe number one epidemic of ourcivilization that we call stress whichis defined in the West as that which isperceived as stress that which isperceived as as a threat either physicalthreat or psychological threat but youknow interestingly there’s no word thatis equivalentof stress in the Vedic or Ayurvedictradition there isn’t I remember goingto a conference with Maharishi MaheshYogi in the early 70s where people weretalking about stress and he listenedvery carefully and after they all lefthe said he called me and he said what isthis stress I had to explain to him whatit was and he kind of nodded uh-huh homebut he didn’t really get it because theway he defined stress ultimately as wegot to know him was not that which isperceived as a threat but that whichinterferes with the spontaneousexpression of the invisible awarenessthat manifests as mind body and allphenomenon anyway I don’t have tobelabor this point that it has becomethe number one epidemic of ourcivilization which can start with mentaland emotional disturbances ultimatelylead to behavioral problems andultimately to physical disturbances andthere’s no one system in the body thatescapes whether you’re looking at theimmune system or cardiovascular systemor inflammatory bowel disease or justabout any disease so given that when westarted working with Paul I said thisthe system of Irena is very elaborate bythe way it talks about every experienceexperience of color experience of smellexperience of taste sensual experiencesexual experience mental experience so Isaid let’s take a few of these importantthings to start with of course at ourCenter we do go into all the you knowhow each color each taste every possiblesmell affects your what we callpsychophysiological body type but let’slook at five most important pillars ofphysical well-being and we identifiedthese so in Ayurveda by the way sleep isa spiritual experience deep sleepparticularly is the experience ofreturning to your state of fundamentalbeing fundamental awareness which isbeyond subject and object but we know ofcourse that sleep a lot of attention iscoming to sleep now and in the West andthat it probably is one of the mostefficient ways to improve your healthand immunity but very little is talkedabout unconscious processing that occursin sleep that there is in fact a lotmore activity in deep sleep in terms ofcreativity and consolidation of memoryand and self-regulation that becauseevery day with sleep so sleep is aspiritual experience as understood inthe Ayurvedic tradition it’s one of thestates of consciousness so you know wehave seven states of consciousnessdefined in the Vedanta waking statewhich is presumably everyone here is inthat state and then there’s the dreamstate and then there’s the deep sleepstate which is returning to baselineconsciousness but then there are fourother states beyond that transcendentalconsciousness where you have a glimpseof the observer in the midst of theobservation it’s not very difficult youcan just experience it right now asyou’re listening to me just turn yourattention to is listening so as you’relistening to me just be aware of who’slistening so this is presence and whatis it the presence of just awareness andit’s the most self regulatory state andthen this is called the fourth state andthe fifth state is when you can have theexperience of this presence which is theobserver in the midst of observationeven during sleep and dreams it’sreferred to as being local and non-localat the same time beings in the spiritualdomain and the physical domain at thesame time it’s also referred to asmake consciousness so that would be thefifth state the sixth state is where youfeel the presence and every object ofyour perception and the seventh state iswhen you realize that there’s only onepresence and we are all differentiatedaspects of that one presence so this isa very fertile area of research nowbecause we are trying to map the brainin different states of consciousness asdefined in eastern wisdom traditionsit’s not only with emotions but actuallywith what we call higher states ofconsciousness where you go beyond wakingdreaming sleeping into these moreexpanded states and the the basis oflooking at this is that according to theVedanta and our Veda reality isdifferent in different states ofconsciousness biology is different indifferent states of consciousnessperception is different in differentstates of consciousness and as we expandinto these states there’s more intuitionmore insight more creativity andultimately because it’s non-local andtherefore not subject to time there isthe absence of the fear of death andthese states are states that peopleaspire to in the wisdom tradition ofVedanta of which Iowa there’s only oneoffshoot it’s all about expandingconsciousness so we have then taken thatunderstanding and then combined it withmeditation and so with in the last threeyears or so we’ve been looking at youknow there’s a lot of talk these dayseverywhere you go people are talkingabout mindfulness and so onbut actually meditation mindfulnessfirst of all is an inappropriate wordbecause when you’re practicingmindfulness you’re not using your mindthe awareness of the mind is not themind the awareness of a thought is not athought the awareness of an emotion isnot an emotion so mindfulness is here tostaywill don’t object to the word and awhere fullness would be clumsy so butthis is one aspect of meditationthere are other aspects of meditationsuch as self-reflection such astranscendence such as emotionalcultivation of emotions like lovecompassion joy equanimity empathy sowhen you look at the total package ofmeditation which is what we do it thatyour presenter is when people takeinstruction meditation they’re taughtfirst what is called Vipassana whichwould be the equivalent of mindfulnessbut it’s being aware not only of yourbreath but of your thoughts of youremotions of your mental space of yourbody of your internal space which a lotof people actually do when they practiceyoga in one form of another so there isthat aspect there’s reflection Who am Iwhat do I want what’s my purpose what ami grateful for all these have differentbiological components you know it’sobvious that whatever mental experienceyou have has to have a biologicalcounterpart but nobody’s actually lookedat all these different aspects so wedecided to do that with reflection withmind what we call mindfulness withtranscendence and also with bodyawareness and awareness of sensationsimages feelings and thoughts and so thisis a very comprehensive program and thatwe have a retreat for that lasts a weekand we chose to call it the seduction ofspirit and we I was lucky enough to beintroduced to Elizabeth Blackburn who asyou know is a Nobel laureate who won theNobel Prize for telomerase and hercolleague Alisa Appel and then Rudy atHarvard Eric Schadt at Mount Sinai andof course with Paul’s help and our ownphysicians we first actually just lookat telomerase activity and we found thatin one week of our retreatsTellem race had gone up by 40% which wasvery unexpected and to Elizabeth thenlooked at telomere length which had alsoincreased and at this point we did awhole bunch of molecular work so welooked at several genomes and we lookedat those genomes that were responsiblefor genes that were responsible for selfregulation homeostasis wound healing andheart health and we found that they’dall increased their activity some 17fold over baseline this paper by the wayis under review it in nature at themoment we’ve been asked to resubmit itas as usual with a few with a fewCorrections so we hope to see itspublication very soon and all the genesthat were responsible for inappropriateinflammation including genes associatedwith cardiovascular disease which by theway the risk factors for cardiovasculardisease are the risk factors for almostevery other chronic illness diabetesAlzheimer’s they all went downsignificantly so much so that EricSchadt whose slide this is at Montana hesaid at one of our conferences he said Ican predict with 98% accuracy who ispracticing this particular meditationthat I have a this is a geneticsignature for this meditation sosomebody in the audience said dr. Sharpedo you meditate she said no said are youplanning to he said no so but you justshowed us the slide he said yes I’mgoing to figure out how to make a drugout of thisthat’s how we think as scientists anywayso this work has now extended and we arealso looking at what is now called biofield science because as you know everybiological organism creates anelectromagnetic field around it and youcan look at this electromagnetic fieldtoday through technology and you canunderstand it even at a more fundamentallevel is the bio field a quantum likeprocess is it emerging from the quantumvacuum because what we perceive as thebody in classical physics is actually aperception for which we don’t even havean explanation right now for example asyou’re looking – at me well that’s goingto arise these photons and all that’sgoing to your brain is an actionpotential and all that’s happening inyour brain is ionic shifts wrong alongcell membranes how do you experiencethis no one knows that’s called the hardproblem of consciousness and you knowit’s very obvious that the experienceyou’re having right now seeing mecouldn’t be happening in your brainwhat’s happening in your brain iselectrochemistry but you’re experiencing3-dimensional reality with color andsound in all these textures you can’texplain this and nobody even asks themselves we can’t explain perceptualexperience we can’t explain mentalexperience we can’t explainemotional experience so all we can lookat his biological correlates but there’sno explanation this room doesn’t fitinside your brain so what is happeningand so you know when in the traditionthat I come from it says you’ve got youknow instead of asking yourself what’sthe biological basis of consciousnessyou should be asking how isconsciousness expressing itself asbiology because ultimately theontological primitive is onlyconsciousness which then we experienceas energy matters space-time and all ofthat so thankfully these these wonderfulscientists that we’ve been able to gettogether are now creating a model for usto study the human bio field and alsogiving us a physics perspective and youknow the human bio field can be measuredabout eight feet from where you are andaccording to Ayurveda anyway in Vedantathe bio field is an expression of yourstate of consciousness so if you’reagitated if you are feeling resentmentand anger and grievance and you’re in ain a right or you you’re involved in aterrorist organization or whatever thenyour bio field will be very incoherenton the other hand if you are in a stateof meditation and peace and equanimityyour bio field will be coherent and ourbio fields all interfere with each othercreating interference patterns and theremay be such a thing as a collective biofield which Maharshi is to talk about inthe early 60s and 70s that if you havethe presence of peaceful people theycreate peace not by what they say not bywhat they do but the presence and so nowat least we have a theoretical way tolook at that and of course now we havethose science of epigenetics that canlook at markers in these states ofconsciousness so while we are veryinterested in diet lifestyle environmentdrugs in utero and childhood developmentvery much more interested in howconsciousness influences theseepigenetic mechanisms I’m not going togo into details of this but you knowthat these are very specific on/offswitches that are turned on and off as aresult of experience and that experiencecan be mental experience it can beemotional experience it can be spiritualexperience and you can actually seewhat’s happening in both the bio fieldin the epigenetic mechanisms and geneexpression so this is also part of ourcalabrianow with Eric Topol and his group thatPaul Mills and I in our Center arecollaborating with and we have a coupleof papers already out in frontiers inhuman neuroscience which are looking atthe cardiovascular and nervous systemchanges during meditation and digitalstudies of both heart heart ratevariability heart activity electricactivity and brain activity and theseare these changes happen immediatelywithin seconds and this is another thingthat I found out found in the NewScientist and went to the source butit’s very interesting article publishedin Nature communications that basicallysays that your state of consciousnesscan influence gene expression and anWireless powered optogenetic designerself implant so you have a group ofpeople in meditation and theirbrainwaves are being transmitted to thisto these Mouse DNA and you can see theactivity suggesting once again thatconsciousness is not only transpersonalbut john species I was thinking the dogin the White House has no idea thatObama is an important guy okay he has noidea what the Oval officers okay howdoes he and Obama relate to each otherwell they share some kind ofconsciousness and so if Obama is nice tohim he backs his tail basically and he’shappy and so consciousness not onlytranscends our personal identity itextends across species so that’s againgoing back to eastern wisdom traditionsconsciousness sleeps and rocks andminerals consciousness dreams and plantsconsciousness starts to wake up atanimals and then humans it says Who am Iand what’s going on so it becomesself-aware in human beings so this isactually the journey of evolutionis also the journey of the evolution ofconsciousness in this tradition as Isaid you don’t have to buy into thismodel but it does help explain a lot ofthings ok so these are the higher statesof consciousness that are part of ourliterature transcendence peakexperiences flow non-local awarenesswhich means beyond subject object splitintuition and creativity is anexpression of that and then archetypalawareness which is basically symbolicexpressions of collective consciousnessand ultimately having an experience ofthe source of all creation so what wehave started now is this new study it’scalled SBT AI SBT I stands for selfdirected biological transformationinitiative so Rudy and I wrote anarticle about this and then everybodysaid let’s also participate and now wehave this whole collaboration everyoneyou can see here who are collaboratingwith us and this is a very extensiveambitious study that is looking ateverything that we do in ayurvedaincluding urbanised massage includingAyurvedic herbs including apredominantly plant-based diet includingyoga meditation and what we callconscious communication consciouscommunication is communication where thepurpose of speech is only to create joyand healing and equanimity and theexperience of empathy and compassion andlove and so we are looking at just abouteverything so these are ourcollaborators rudy is looking at wholegene genome sequencing Alzheimersrelated amyloid beta protein cytokinelevels and epigenetic changes and thenat Mount Zion again all the informaticsmicrobiome pristine is helping with thatsanford-burnham we’re working withscripts to look at mobile a EEG and ECGheart rate variability and electroelectric activity during physicalactivity sleep and during breathingtechniques with prana there are about ahundred and eight pranayam techniquesbreathing techniques that we can look atbut what we also want to look at is nowbio field in a big way and that’s ournext protocol that we have IRB approvalfor where we can actually look atcollective bio fields and how intentionand emotion influences that so this iswhat is being done at UCSC with the helpof Paul Mills and his team at Dukethey’re doing metabolomic analysiscorrelating with mood assessmentsCristina’s doing microbiome assessmentand of course Elizabeth is doing otherthings including my truck mitochondrialDNA health we are actually collectingterabytes of data right now which isbeing analyzed and some of papers are insubmission and some are still beinglooked at also looking Christine islooking at the bi-directional trafficbetween gut and brain and how thatrelates to everything from inflammatorymarkers to short chain fatty-acids andhow that relates to mood and cognitionand this is a paper that Paul led ledthe investigation where people werekeeping a gratitude journal and writingdown at the end of the day I am gratefulfor looking at inflammatory markers andoverall state of well-being this paperhas just been recently published andthat’s the summary of the paper this isfrom another institution which though isthat even the simple practice ofgratitude changes brain activity causesneurogenesis and synaptogenesis in theprefrontal cortex so these are some ofthe studies that are in progress nowincludingbreast cancer survivorship study danMacario Macario is here somewhereintegrative oncologist and helps us atthe Chopra Center and he’s thankfullythanks to him we have a lot ofoncologists in this area from UCSD whoare going to help us with this study weare planning to look at the pineal glandas you know in meditation melatonin goesup and melatonin is associated with manyhormonal changes elsewhere as well andthen I Redick massage movement yoga andalso exercise and we are also looking atactually different aspects of yoga youknow the word asana and yoga means seatof awareness so when you do thesedifferent asanas different yoga posturesthey all have different effects ondifferent nerves in the body so one ofthe most important of course is thevagus and now there is evidence that ifyou stimulate the vagus which isapproved by the way for intractableepilepsy that some people who havechronic asthma rheumatoid arthritis orirritable bowel they get better and soit seems like the vagus nerve is one ofthe most important nerves it influencesthe tone of your voice your lungcapacity your heart rate variability butthen it goes into your gut and itinnervates almost every organ in theabdomen and then there’s bi-directionaltraffic so there’s a lot of potentialfor looking at different yoga posturesand you know people like Smith Kline andGlaxo and others are doing what iscalled bioelectrical medicine wherethey’re actually implanting electrodesin these nerves and then stimulatingthem from the outside and I met withsome of these rnd people and I said wecan do this with yoga and breathing andthey said yes but how do we makeokay so specific components of yoga canaffect cognitive emotional behavioraland autonomic output and so we are alsolooking at the role of emotions and howthat affects self-regulation opiatesdopamine serotonin immunomodulation andnow particularly looking at nutritionbecause in Iraida your food is not goodunless it has seven colors of therainbow and the six tastes of life andif you include the six tastes of lifewhich are sweets are solved bitterpungent astringent and the seven colorsof the rainbow then you have all themicronutrients and triphala is a veryimportant i’ll Redick herb it’s triphalameans three fruits three herbs and ithas not only antioxidant effects butcould possibly affect gene expressionGoogle Lu is another very important herbthat is used as a cholesterol-loweringagent but it seems to regulate geneexpression as well and these are some ofthe herbs that have been used to treatinflammation so this is our next projectwe have a lot of work to do and see whatthe combinations do so I’d like toconclude shortly with these ideas Icould talk a long time because physicalwell-being emotional well-beingspiritual well-being are important butso are social well-being your networkand family and friends your communitywell-being your financial well-beingyour career well-being these are allpart by the way even though Gallup isnow doing kind of very good measurementsof this and metrics on this in a waythat these are all addressed as Dharmaand karma and other words for it buthere’s the bottom line your body is aprocess it’s not a structure there areno nouns in the universe there areconventions of language at a fundamentallevel your body is an energy andinformationfield but at an even more fundamentallevel it’s part of a consciousness fieldit’s it’s formless call it what you willthe quantum vacuum or whatever but theontological primitive of the universe isformless and how do which of course wethink comes all energy all informationand mind body as one unitmind body as one unit your genes likesinfluenced by your thoughts emotionsrelationships social interactions andenvironment you can change the structureof your brain to optimize physicalemotional and spiritual well-beingthrough practices spiritual practicesyou can change the wiring of your brainthis presumably all the people who arein genetics know this but I did not knowthis until five years ago that only 5%of disease related gene mutations arefully penetrant that there’s aone-to-one correspondence between themutation and the disease and that’sholds true for Alzheimer’s for canceryou know baraka gene is a fullypenetrant gene but there are so manygenes involved in breast cancer that Iinfluence their expression is influencedby lifestyle and this is something thatDan and this group are going to help uselucidate that you can change yourrelationship to time that actually readsets your biological clock so let me trya little experiment and I’m going to usePaul for the experiment Paul are youaware right now okay so I asked Paul ishe aware and he said yes and so who didhe consult before he answered thequestion okay obviously everybody isaware you otherwise you wouldn’t belistening to my lecture so I’m going totry another experiment very quickly togive you a little bit of insight I’mgoing to ask the same question are youawareand I don’t want anyone to answer ittill I raise my hand is that a dealare you aware so are you aware is athought yes is a thought in between isawareness is consciousness so now if Iask you the same question are you awaredon’t answer it just slip into beingaware of being aware it’s very easyare you awareand the presence that you feel is simpleawareness and this is the mostintelligent state the highest state ofintelligence is just awareness and overhere the self-regulationself-organization evolution homeostasisyou name it so even though we doelaborate meditations at our Center thepurpose is to live here to live inawareness where sensations imagesfeelings and thoughts on the screen ofawareness are just coming and going andyou are a silent witness of them so youcan be engaged and you can be detachedat the same time and so this is calledyoga in action ok one can be in thestate of awareness all the time and thiswould change your relationship to timebecause you’d always be present as yousaw even in that question there waspresenceare you aware am i aware there’spresence and ultimately then awarenessis the key to transformation now we areexpanding on that and I’m not going togo into that but here’s the last thing Iwant to say and I’m going to even thoughtime is an illusion I can see the talkmoving thereso what I’ll say is that according tothe tradition I come from says you canhave everything you want but ultimatelyyou’re going to grow old there’s goingto be infirmity and you’re going to dieok that was what happened to the Buddhayou know he had everything and he saidyou know there’s still the problem ofold-age suffering and death and so hedrew upon the great traditions that camebefore him because thetradition goes back 6,000 years BC andBuddha was 24 you know it was 200 yearslater than this tradition but buddhadrew on thishe said human suffering comes from notknowing the true nature of realityclinging on to that which is transientillusory that’s basically a movement inconsciousness every thought everyfeeling every emotion every sensoryexperiences is in consciousness soconsciousness is that in whichexperience occurs consciousness is thatin which experience is known andconsciousness is that out of whichexperience is made and all experiencesonly for things sensations imagesfeelings thoughts sensory experiencethey said and if you noticed this you’llsee it’s just a movement in your ownbeing and but what happens is you’retrying to hold on to something that itis impossible to hold on toit’s the superstition of materialismyou’re afraid of that which is transientyou’re identifying yourself with thefalse constricted habitual sociallyinduced hallucination called the ego andyou’re afraid of deathmany summarize did they say and he saidthe solution of that is try and figureout what is the true nature of realitythe formless being in which allphenomena arises and subsides and isperceived as form so every form is aphenomenon and every phenomenon is amovement in the formless being which iswho you really arenow that’s summarizing a lot of lot oftradition in a short time but the keyends up being meditation meditation isnot just to manage your stressmeditation is to wake up to your trueidentity thank you very muchthank youthank youyou