What is Ormus?
Mono-atomic elements, also known as ORMUS (Orbitally Rearranged Molecules of Unusual Size) are a group of molecules that could be classified as ‘pre-metals’ and have the ability to correct DNA among other amazing properties.
ORMUS or ORMEs have also been called white gold, manna, the philosopher’s stone, monoatomic gold, m-state and microclusters. These molecules exist in a state that is pre-metal, meaning they are not the metals – gold, silver, platinum, etc. – but are instead ‘folded’ and could open up into these elements if stimulated in a certain way.
Discovered by Einstein in the 1920?s and again by David Hudson, an Arizona farmer, in
the 1970?s, these monoatomic elements are thought to be “10,000 times more abundant than their metallic counterparts.”
They claimed that it perfects the cells of the body. Bristol-Myers-Squib research shows that this material inter-reacts with DNA, correcting the DNA. All the carcinogenic damage, all the radiation damage, all is corrected from these elements in the presence of the cell. They don’t chemically inter-react with it, they just correct the DNA.
This is not an anti-anything. This is not anti-AIDS. This is not anti-cancer. This is pro-life. It literally is the spirit. The material is not here to cure AIDS. The material is not here to cure cancer. The material is here to perfect our bodies.
It makes our bodies be in the state they are supposed to be in. It is our own immune system that fights and cures the disease. If you can correct your DNA at every cell in your body. If you can correct the damage that’s been done that brought about the cancer, if you can correct the damage that has been brought about by the virus; the AIDS, you literally will become a perfected being. You will return back to the original healthy state you were meant to be in.
Read more here: http://guardianlv.com/ (http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fguardianlv.com%2F&h=GAQEkorjd&enc=AZOAh5–uxk2RA9Q0BRBevcEpvOn7NIS3X6kTmOTVfLcgg54F5UVsZKOEzcmlfru6OY&s=1)
ORMUS molecules are what are being referred to as ‘consciousness elements’ as they have the potential to increase our level of conscious awareness as we interact with the world and beyond.
Not only do ORMUS gold elements cause DNA correction simply through exposure, they enhance the intent of the consumer to the point where that which we might call ‘super human abilities’ (Super human abilities are called Siddhis and are qualities express by Siddhas.) could be realized – such as telepathy, levitation and more!
Swaha Dr. Ron Holman and Dr. Sarah Larsen have been graced with wisdom and tools they intend to share with you!
If your Grace guides you here you will connect with
Maha Siddha Alchemy and Magic
Maha Siddhas are perfected being that have dissolved the self-created distinctions between the body and the soul/consciousness. Discerning from Mother Nature the Maha Siddha Bogar has given Navapashanam, Maha Siddha Herbs, Sapphire and Pearl Basmam-medicinal ash.
Navapashanam is the source of the “fountain of Youth” legends.
Everyone in attendance will be offered Navapashanam Holy Water, sample of Ormus Navapashanam Elixir, Maha Siddha Basmams and Herbs for those that say ‘Yes’ without Questions.
www.discerning-wisdom.com (http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.discerning-wisdom.com%2F&h=jAQEauYcH&enc=AZP0DWQda4x9Ss9FFyz14jFPmCBDuziZ03likmep2P9IV_h4l53DV6qtDLa-BFMCqpE&s=1)
Swaha Dr Ron Holman is an Ambassador of Maha Siddha Alchemy. Traveling the World since 1995, Dr. Ron sought the secret to spontaneous remission of disease, to bring home to his lifelong partner, Linda
who was diagnosed with a terminal Illness and sent home to die with no cure and “given” less than 6 months to live that year. Swaha Ron has learned from every teacher, spiritual leader, and every modality that could help him and his wife.