Medical Intuitive and Energy Healer for the Mind, Body, and Soul
Who is Marianne Williamson? Why do so many young people support her? Why do leaders, luminaries, sages, and guides quote Marianne? Can I meet Marianne?
Who is Marianne Williamson?
‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.’ Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles.”
Why do so many young people and politicians support Marianne?
Marianne Williamson is most renowned for her lectures on the book, A Course in Miracles, which defines a miracle as, “a shift in perception from fear to love,” and the earth and our country is ready and in need of a miracle! Some of the earth’s crises consist of environment which affects our food sources, ground water, the oceans, sea life, animals, deforestation, plants, air quality, soil quality, climate, and new scientifically made genetically modified hybrid creatures. Environmental issues were discussed in seminars that Marianne created called Sister Giant.
“The purpose of Sister Giant is to support a higher level of contribution among those who want to increase their efficacy as activist and/or candidate. The Conference is home to a higher level of political conversation — one that includes the heart as well as the head — and uplifts the tenor of citizen involvement. Together we can create a politics of conscience. You will find rich resources at Sister Giant, to support you in both your inner and outer journey to a more powerful, effective and meaningful citizenship.” –
Radha Christy goes on to write: “The 6 Sister Giant conferences comprised: Rousing the Sleeping Giant of American Womanhood in February 2010; Women, Non-violence and Birthing a New American Politics in 2012, focusing on these main topics: child poverty, mass incarceration, Citizens United, and issues that supported women running for office; Awakening our Conscience, Restoring our Democracy in 2015; Progressive Candidates Summit in 2016, featuring progressive congressional candidates; Critical Spiritual and Political Issues, featuring experts such as Bernie Sanders in 2017; A Revolution in Consciousness Paves The Way to Both Personal and Political Renewal, The Love America Tour in 2018.
Marianne is a humanitarian. “The Project Angel Food Program was founded by Marianne Williamson as an outreach program of the Los Angeles Center for Living, which helps people with life-threatening illnesses. The Center for Living provides numerous programs, such as The Clean Team, Project Nightlight and Hospice Care. The Center for Living also prepares lunch for drop-in clients and delivers meals to homebound clients. Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson and David Kessler held the first fundraiser for Project Angel Food and raised $11,000.” –
“The values, leadership, and power to galvanize movements that Marianne Williamson demonstrates is what is needed. Because Marianne embodies what our forefathers embodied, she has broad appeal! Marianne Williamson possesses love, visionary solutions, and comprehension of systems we require in the leadership of the United States! Marianne is every human’s advocate because she helps all, prisoners, the sick, the hungry, and leaders hire her for advice in their companies!” – Dr. Sarah Larsen
Can I meet Marianne?
Yes, Marianne has events every Tuesday!
Marianne Williamson has been a guest speaker at many of Dr. Sarah Larsen’s Events
“I first met author Marianne Williamson in 2003 to learn and advocate about cabinet-level Department of Peace! She taught me that the worst enemy we have is fear!” ~Dr. Sarah Larsen introducing Marianne Williamson
“Relationships are eternal.” responded
Photo Credit: Sheila O’ Donnell
Imagine a department of peace and please advocate a cabinet-level Department of Peace!
The proposed department, which would have to be created by an act of Congress, would “work actively and interactively with every branch of government on policy matters related to both international and domestic peace issues.”
“It’s ironic to me that George Bush’s Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, said, ‘We must learn to wage peace,'” Williamson said in an interview with the Register at her residence.
“Expertise in peacebuilding is just as sophisticated and important as expertise in military action,” Williamson said. “I have great respect for the military. My father fought in World War II. I see the military much like one would look at a surgeon. Obviously, the United States needs to have the best surgeons in the world, but everyone knows you only have surgery if you absolutely must.”
Williamson’s Department of Peace would also establish a “Peace Academy,” which she would model after military academies.
The academy would provide a four-year concentration in “peace education.” Graduates would be required to serve for five years in public service programs dedicated to domestic or international nonviolent conflict resolution, according to her plan.
Split between domestic and international duties, the department would be overseen by the Secretary of Peace, who would serve as a member of the National Security Council and coordinate with other members of the cabinet.
“Right now,” Williamson said, “our national security agenda could be likened to someone who doesn’t take care of their diet, doesn’t take that much care of exercise, doesn’t take much care of lifestyle, in terms of health, and just waits for when the inevitable sickness arises and hopes that a doctor can eradicate or suppress the symptoms of their sickness.” (From:
Please use the Contact Form to ask Dr. Sarah Larsen for her notes from Sister Giant or ask how to advocate for a cabinet-level Department of Peace!