You Are Way Cooler Than You Ever Imagined
Your very existence is necessary to our universe. I know this because I have had really harsh experiences that lead to near death experiences!
What you are going through no one else can truly experience because you are unique.
You will have to overcome this challenge that you are facing right now.
whether now or later, you will overcome. “This too shall pass!”
The circumstances might be different but you will have to overcome it!
You will grow stronger, smarter and more capable with every time you admit you are vulnerable.
“Turn your wounds into wisdom.”
– Oprah Winfrey
You will know love too. I know this. I know you are scared. Just listen to the music on this page.
Videos with words of scientist, artist, and creatives are dedicated from my heart to yours.
We learned things you cannot learn in a book for you.
You are something and have something no one else can “learn in a book!”
“Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another.”
Carl Sagan, Cosmos
The musical tribute to two great men of science. Carl Sagan and his cosmologist companion Stephen Hawking present:
A Glorious Dawn – Cosmos remixed. Almost all samples and footage taken from Carl Sagan’s Cosmos and Stephen Hawking’s Universe series.
How to Make it Through Your Most Difficult Times
“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”
Carl Sagan, Cosmos
Just start to breathe. Look at the sky where ever you are! You are the Miracle and you making it through
this will be the biggest miracle you will be able to share with others. I believe in you. You can make it because you
found this page! If you found this, you can believe you can do it!
Be gentle with yourself. Trust and believe. Believe, Relax, and let your relief flow.
How To Live On Purpose is to understand: The world needs more appreciation and love.
You can be the source of that for yourself!
“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.”
– Oprah Winfrey
How to Make it Through Your Most Difficult Times | You Will Make It!
Let this love and appreciation start with you and let it be for the world you are part of.
Let it be for you for knowing that you have a purpose. If you are suffering, then you
haven’t found your purpose or you haven’t found your passion!
A musical investigation into the nature of atoms and subatomic particles,
the jiggly things that make up everything we see.
Featuring Morgan Freeman, Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, Brian Cox, Richard Feynman, and Frank Close.
All the science we used to think was right was found to help us get to a deeper truth!
These videos share scientific theories which are helping form a future understanding that will surprise us all!
Discover you:
“Who is more humble? The scientist who looks at the universe with an open mind and accepts whatever the universe has to teach us,
or somebody who says everything in this book must be considered the literal truth and never mind the fallibility of all the human beings involved?”
Carl Sagan
You are invited to this program because you are here and Something is guiding you to be able to get answers and make sense of this world!
You demonstrate an “energy field” consist with a wisdom of “knowing” how to get here:
1. You are invited to call into the Miracle Makers on UBN Radio TV because you are here to build something bigger than yourself!
You will be co-creating with your subtle energy within yourself!
Something that offers something to our planet that allows every human to grow!
2.You are invited because you understand “dialing in” and using your gifts offers more to every person and dimension!
3. You are invited because I believe in your goodness and want to help you be able to help more people!
There is a tribe waiting for you to awaken!
Each person and each course is unique:
Each show and experience will have elements of science and energy.
“Use what you have to run toward your best – that’s how I now live my life.”
– Oprah Winfrey
A. “How to use energy”!
You will have portions activated by handcrafted for you Oils, Plant medicine and elixirs custom made for you!
B. You will learn Laws of the Universe written about in ancient books, temples, and now being demonstrated in latest science!
It is like shifting your understanding from the Helical Model many of us operate on
onto a Vortex Model of experiencing life:
C. You believe that all humans can be empowered to live in peace, joy, fulfillment, abundance, harmony with all.
In addition, you may understand and embody!
You know you have a big creation of PEACE, HARMONY, and LOVE COMING THROUGH YOU!
You are ready for individual mentoring to allow you to be in accordance with your own unique purpose.
You are ready to be initiated, connected, and activate your unique Miracle Making energy, gifts, and senses.
You believe that life is meant to be lived, created, and realizing your own true potential is part of thriving as a spiritual and physical being.
Through the power of activation, initiation, and the wisdom of the lineage of King Salomon, Ancient Egypt, and Eastern Philosophy.
Miracle Makers on UBN network provides the tools, teachings, healings, services, private classes and programs that enable you to transform yourself.
You will have a deep knowledge or “KNOWING”:
“BE’ “coming” into a state of truly knowing yourself
“BE’ “coming” the great mysteries of energy, dimensions, and your extra senses!
This program is often used to help you create living life on your terms, and to contribute to humanity, and to activate your most sacred self!
Your Bones Come from Star Dust. Stars are born from enormous clouds of dust and gas floating in space within our galaxy. The atoms and molecules (roughly 70% hydrogen, 30% helium and a tiny amount of heavier elements) in the cloud pull each other closer and closer by gravity.
Take a deep breath.
That air filling up your lungs, that oxygen pulled into your bloodstream, stoking your metabolic fire, making you possible, is old. Older than you, older than the Earth itself. That oxygen once lived in the heart of a star that is now long dead. That calcium in your bones? That iron in your blood? The same.
Human blood and bones are a part of the natural cycle of formation, birth, life, and death of humanity’s heavenly cousins. People come from Oneness. You come from the stars and will return to the stars.
Everything and star die. In some fashion spreads its material back from where it came. And when the light from Earth’s sun finally snuffs out, it will carry humanity’s ashes back into the darkness, to be reshaped again into new worlds, and possibly new life. You are amazing you are new in your body all of the time and your consciousness is as old as the beginning of time!
You have the possibility of living for much longer than anyone has allowed you to believe!
There are people on the planet that have been around since before the birth certificate.
(Plants are an example of old living beings!
The oldest living being on our planet is Pando Tree thought to be 80,000 and some Tree experts claim Tree some Pando’s age is closer to 1 million years.
From my Near Death Experience and meeting Oneness, God and our Source has utterly changed my life.
I can explain what will open this up for you!
They are the concept of ONENESS, ENOUGHNESS, and BEINGNESS!
You can help others wake up to their ONENESS!
You can be the most healing presence on the plant!
You will learn about what is possible for you, your purpose throughout your life!
The illusion of lack of Oneness is something called “Separatism.”
When you get in your being, Oneness, you can have everything!
If you want more:
Miracle Makers founded:
Miracle Makers Academy:
– Oprah Winfrey