Do you have the courage to walk the path of a miracle maker and give your life to a purpose bigger than your own personal comfort or gain? Are you willing to be the voice of the Forgotten People, no matter where they may be in the world?
Please join your hosts of the Miracle Makers Podcast and special guests Denis Mugagga, Daniel Sewagudde, and Craig Pruess of the Ganda Boys. Listen in as they talk about a journey of miracles for the Ganda Boys as they travel the world and share the gifts of their voices and songs in a quest to give voice to the millions of refugees around the world who have no voice! The story of the Ganda Boys is very inspirational and from the heart!

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About our Guests
UK based Ugandan singers Denis Mugagga and Dan Sewagudde (formerly of DaTwins fame) have teamed up with UK world musician, arranger, record producer and film composer, Craig Pruess, to form a new and exciting band, the Ganda Boys.
A unique and vibrant sound, a big London live show already achieved and their first album done!
On top of that, the three Ganda Boys have started the Ganda Foundation, their charitable organisation for raising money for social programmes to combat poverty in the Third World – starting with raising funds and providing equipment for Ugandan hospitals and schools in need.
The recorded sound of the Ganda Boys is under the capable hands of cutting edge world fusion expert/performer, Craig Pruess – a versatile American multi-instrumentalist musician, award winning composer, arranger, gold & platinum record producer.
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