The Value of Feedback
How Important is Languaging?

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The importance of symbols
The strides Quantum Physics is making in mainstream science
About Nassim Haramein
In 2004, Haramein founded the Resonance Project Foundation, (now the Resonance Science Foundation) where as the Director of Research he leads physicists, mathematicians and engineers in exploring unification principles and their implications in our world today and for future generations.
In fall of 2014, Haramein began The Resonance Academy Delegate Program – the first and only unified physics program of its kind, educating thousands of students from over 70 countries around the world.
In 2015 Haramein opened a laboratory where he serves as the Executive Director of Research and Development. Here, Haramein leads teams of scientists and engineers applying his revolutionary theories and patents to resonance technologies that focus on vacuum energy and gravitational effects. Production of such technologies could provide indispensable energy and open up space exploration in a completely viable and safe manner.
The Connected Universe, a feature-length documentary film, was produced based on Haramein’s discoveries and their potential for generations to come.
Connect with Nassim Haramein
Nassim Haramein website –
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