This post from my heart to yours is for two reasons.
1. To invite you to an online gathering happening soon!
2. To liberate you from suffering with poetry, research, and the work of Brene Brown.
I learn everything I can because I love deeply all of humanity. According to my grandparents and parents, I was born this way! They also instilled a love of ideas, peace, and possibilities.

In years since my numerous near death experiences, I have such faith and so much language to share the parts of our experiences that exist as energy with and beyond the material world.
I have been given so much Grace and I am so grateful to still be here to share it with you.
What I know for sure, I want you to experience everything you want to experience and leave everything better than it was found!
My “big reason why” I do everything is my children and all future generations because I believe if you have everything you need, want, and is yours by divine right – Humanity, Earth and all sentient beings heal, feel, and thrive.

Thriving leads to spontaneous cooperation.
What our world needs now -is you having all you want because you are being called to be the healthiest, most synergistic, and spontaneous version of yourself! Spontaneity lives in the now!
Spontaneity | Adversity | Resilience
There is significant variation in the response to adversity, with a substantial proportion of individuals displaying psychological resilience. Epigenetic mechanisms are hypothesised to be one molecular pathway of how experiences can become biologically embedded and contribute to individual differences in resilience. However, not much is known regarding the role of epigenetics in the development of psychological resilience. In this review, we propose a new conceptual model for the different functions of epigenetic mechanisms in psychological resilience. The model considers 1) the initial establishment of the epigenome, 2) epigenetic modification due to protective environmental exposures across life, 3) the role of protective factors in counteracting adverse influences, and 4) genetic moderation of environmentally induced epigenetic modifications. After reviewing empirical evidence for the various components of the model, we identify research areas which should be prioritized and discuss practical implications of the proposed model for epigenetic research on resilience.
Keywords: Epigenetics, DNA methylation, Genetics, Resilience, Mental Health, Developmental Psychopathology
From: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9561637/
Generally, I’ll prepare you for what you can expect for yourself in the month ahead based on astrophysiology, light emanating from your hands or aura, and all I’ve learned in the medical field plus the mystery a minister of all faiths can unravel because loved ones – you never perish!

“What is astrophysics you ask?”
Astrophysics is a science that employs the methods and principles of physics and chemistry in the study of astronomical objects and phenomena. Your body is a biochemical (living) phenomena in action.
You gather experiences and information with the nature and properties of matter and energy. Your body senses mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms in all of your senses like sight, sound, touch, taste etc. You have at least 22 senses now documented in wikipedia.

“As above, so below” is a popular modern paraphrase of the second verse of the Emerald Tablet (a compact and cryptic Hermetic text first attested in an Arabic source dating to the late eighth or early ninth century). It may be noted that the original Arabic of the verse in the Emerald Tablet itself does not mention that what is above and what is below are “as” or “like” each other, but rather that they are “from” each other!

Feel free to share it with those you wish the best in life for, someone you might want to take notes as you get your mini-reading!
They simply have to write in a question or ask to be part of the meeting here:
Liberate you from suffering with poetry, research, and the work of Brene Brown.
Inspired from the research of Brene Brown the author of Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone
Her book begins with a Maya Angelou quote:
I belong every place. I belong no place. I belong to myself…

Brene Brown speaking about Maya Angelou:
“You know how when you find those people that just are unsparing and honest in their work but they also bring you joy and comfort, she’s that for me.
And I love everything she does except for that quote. That quote has pissed me off for decades. And I never understood this idea, that you’re free when you belong nowhere.
As a social scientist I know that belonging, I know this for sure like if you ask me the one thing I know for sure, 200,000 pieces of data, I know in the absence of love and belonging there’s always suffering that I know for sure.
This quote from her about ‘belonging everywhere which is really nowhere is what sets us free’ was so troubling to me.”
Then Brene Brown found the following interview with Bill Moyers, the source of the quote:
MAYA ANGELOU: “You only are free when you realize you belong no place — you belong every place — no place at all. The price is high. The reward is great…”
BILL MOYERS: “Do you belong anywhere?”
MAYA ANGELOU: “I haven’t yet.”
BILL MOYERS: “Do you belong to anyone?”
MAYA ANGELOU: “More and more… I belong to myself. I’m very proud of that. I am very concerned about how I look at Maya. I like Maya very much.”
Brene Brown found “that true belonging is a spiritual practice. It’s about the ability to find sacredness in both being a part of something but also the courage to stand alone.
The people for those of us who struggle to have the courage to stand alone especially when we know that at risk.
We’re risking that sense of being a part of something
because we disagree. Because we have a different opinion. Because we love something different.
That is the mark. That’s the mark of true belonging to be able to say yes I am a part of something bigger but I also will stand alone when I need to.
You belong everywhere in nowhere and that is

My wish for you: More and more… you belong to yourself, to be proud of that. To be concerned about how you look at you. And you like yourself more and more each day! You liberated in the current moment! Now!
I love Brene Brown and I love you.
Thanks again for reading this.
So much respect and appreciation for you,
Dr. Sarah Larsen
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