How good are you gonna be is what matters!
How do you get better at what you do in the age of AI?
How do you get great? Dr. Atul Gawande in this clip from his TED Talk shares two views about this.
How do you become great.
First is the traditional view that is that you go to school, you study, you practice.
You learn. You graduate and then you go out into the world.
And you make your way. On your own that’s how doctors learn.
That’s how lawyers do.
Scientists know the contrasting view comes out of sports and they say you are never done. Everybody needs a coach. The greatest in the world needs a coach.
You might do surgery like Dr. Gawande and pay someone to come into your operating room and observe you and offer you notes.
He asked a former professor of his who had retired his named “Bob Osteen” and he agreed to come to the operating room, observed the case.
Dr. Gawande shares, “I remember that first case it went beautifully, I didn’t think there would be anything much he’d have to say. When we were done instead, he had all page of dents with notes just small things.
Dr. Osteen said in the notes, “did you notice that the light had swung out of the wound during the case?” He also shared, “your elbow goes up in the air every once in a while that means you’re not in full control.”
For Dr. Gawande, it was a whole next level of awareness. Dr. Osteen was describing what great coaches do and what they do is:
They are your external eyes and ears providing a more accurate picture of your reality.
They’re recognizing the fundamentals.
They’re breaking your actions down and then helping you build them back up.
“Again after two months of coaching I felt myself getting better again and after a year, I saw my complications dropped down even further. It was painful. I didn’t like being observed and at times.
I didn’t want to have to work on things, I also felt there are periods where I would get worse before I got better. It made me realize that the coaches were on to something profoundly important. I think it’s not just how good you are. Now I think, it’s how good you’re gonna be that really matters,” Said Dr. Gawande.
In summary, There is no right way or wrong way to listen to this Ted Talk! Just listen and feel the energy in every word of Dr. Gawande! Take this moment and let yourself get the next level of awareness!

Kevin Harrington of Shark Tank & Forbes Riley (In the National Fitness Hall)- with Dr. Sarah Larsen
Great coaches help you grow your senses and sensibilities providing a more accurate picture of your reality.
You already understand the fundamentals of how to create more of what you value -just by being in a conversation with a great coach!
You are most alive in the presence of someone observing you to give you feedback! It is an extraordinary experience, doctors, teachers, and performing arts artist know well!
What you do already know about yourself? What are you ready to discover that you never even considered?
You -your heart open is the quest! Yes! Useful in love, measuring your vitality, words, and time -space as it creates you. You create you to be more useful, joyous, and truly there for those that you can grow with!! You’ll learn to trust yourself even more & break your actions down so you become an even better version of yourself!
Have you always had a coach?
Was your older brother or sister your coach, or perhaps your grandmother?
Incredible to ask such a great question. Your family and friends can offer you a perspective on your current situation, yet someone who understands the sutle energy of what it takes to become great in the face of adversity is what it takes! Plus -things you do not yet know or you do not yet have commitment to to have already made it in that area of their life!
I had teachers and coaches for every type of medicine that I have been lead to, being in the moment, several coaches for child development, coaches for logotherapy and any therapies -emdr, conscious coupling, and uncoupling. Integrity. Creating coaches has been a pleasure too!
You gaze upon your world which may be in full bloom or going into a growth process. Just like the plants around you, you too go through different stages of growth. Healthy plants grow exponentially better around other healthy plants. And purposefully getting someone in your life that understands -your uniqueness -because – everything begins there! No comparison.
Your nature soaks up the sun, like you soak up praise from your coach and the energy you need to bring forth your unique fruits -mine are deeper layers of vitality, time-space mastery, and building systems!
Just for a second -imagine every military base -of any origin -being the place where food is grown, health is measured and resources are distributed! Imagine, free for all, education centers chosen by the children with very discipline nurtured by nature and creating the art of life! Scientist, investors and, social human rights engineers with the natives gathered to create lasting change by being the heart of a place!
Imagine everyone putting down his or her personal story to take a moment to hear -hear -what your heart would speak about you, your home, and all humanity!
With your story -heart felt and true – little subtle energy changes in your psyche or mind-set helping everyone open their heart! Feeling your story and you able to feel his or her path too.
You choose the stories you hear and your heart opens more as you understand -how human and beyond limitless you are because you are connected. Right now feel what you are connected to right now!
“Knock -knock”
“Who’s there?”
Opportunity, your special kind of luck -your miracle making frequency –
LOL! Makes everything fun, light, and yes -regeneration!
A great coach helps you create an environment that allows you to thrive, grow, and blossom.
I wish I could be your coach -everyone’s coach.
I only privately coach a few amazing beings now.
Everyone else is invited to the meetings that happen at the end of the month!
You may be a doctor, intuitive, coach like me – You may have members of a community that has grown with you since you established yourself! I have been doing something different from allopathic medicine since 2003.
I would tell you these 4 things:
1. Happiness is not “Having no problems!” It is the ability to deal with them!
2. If you are stressed, it is not because you are doing too much. It is because you do too little of what makes you feel alive.
3. Feeling sad after making a decision doesn’t mean it was the wrong decision.
4. The lesson you struggle with will repeat themselves until you deal with them! Lessons not learned by one generation gets passed down to the next generation. You get the insight for yourself and yes-you transform the future for all!
You are incredible, complex, and simple. Just like plants need sunlight, water, soil and nourishment, you need the right conditions to flourish.
Sometimes, you may find yourself in environments that hinder your growth. It’s important to recognize this and make changes that will enable you to reach your full potential.
I am a multigenerational healer, female leader, and influencer and I have coaches better than me in these areas.
I have a financial coach, a writing coach, and an integrity coach. Each not only inspires me, challenges me, and encourages me with incredible, sometimes uncomfortable feedback, I become the next best version of myself. Because they are there and I have commitment as the comtainer.
Until you commit -there is hesitancy –
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too.
All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets:
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”
William Hutchison Murray said that in “The Scottish Himalayan Expedition”!
Commitment, Insights, and Joy darling make all of the difference!
Your mission may be like mine-spontaneous cooperation of all without ecological or economic disadvantage of sentinel beings! Your incredible higher senses activated. To make the world work for 100% of the time! Creating beauty, joy, peace and service.
We get to use tools like Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy. It enhance existing therapies by emphasizing the “meaning-dimension” or spiritual dimension of human beings. Three philosophical and psychological concepts make up Frankl’s logotherapy: freedom of will, will to meaning, and meaning of life
Thank you members of our communities since 2003 you give such meaning to my life! Welcome -you who may just have found this page -spontaneouly! Wow will you become part of the family -ie chosen friends!
My mom & dad are some of my best friends! My children & their father too because of great coaching!
Get yourself a great coach, create frienships that will never end. Teachers, coaches, and eyes that meet you at the windows to your soul! Transformed just in a present moment exchange.
Love that you know -your time is most precious with the people you choose to share-care- the ever present now!
You are brilliant to seek out opportunities for personal -vitality, expressing your joy -and professional development, as these are the nutrients that fuel growth. Let yourself become aware of the new knowledge, skills, and experiences that expand your horizons and open doors to new possibilities.
Yes, growth. Just like plants push through the soil to reach the sun, a little miracles. You must also overcome challenges, commit to a coach. Push yourself to grow. Embracing the process with a coach, quickest way to aviod setbacks you didn’t see. Allow yourself to evolve and transform -with your “Miracle Making Frequency” turned on!
So, let this season of growth inspire you to create an environment where you can thrive, grow, and blossom. Surround yourself with great coaches, seek out opportunities for development, and nourish your mind, body, and soul. Embrace your unique journey and trust in your ability to reach new heights.
Share your thoughts in the comments below and let’s encourage each other on our journeys of growth and blossoming
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Thank you for reading this!
I respect and appreciate you so much!
Bye for now!
Dr. Sarah Larsen
P.S. Here is the
P.S.S. – The next event is Jun 29th listed here:
WHEN: June 29th 10 Am PT and Then again 8 PM PT
June 29th class will be about your palms
You will know how to understand all of your families influence on your biology!
When you look at your finger prints – this is what you see:

That image is from: