What did Pythagoras do 2000 years ago and what does this show? – proved that the earth was round and it was so disruptive that now there are still people challenging it. And this shows an example of the resistance to change. ?
What is at the center of human health? – a vast ecosystem of invisible microbes. The human microbe is the aggregate of all microbiota that reside on or within human tissues and biofluids along with the corresponding anatomical sites in which they reside. ?
What is the one original clean Science – Philosophy
What is the Ecuadorian prophecy about? – we are a bird one wing flying in circles but soon we will get the second wing, the feminine wing that makes impossible things possible because we then begin to fly balance in all directions ?
What is the problem with the marriage contract? – It is centered in the masculine and it brings two dark sides of the mind together.
What is the difference between the unified mind and the schism mind – Unified is masculine and feminine together and schism is afraid and masculine based and scared of change?
What group of people came up with their own science of acupuncture and what was special about it. – Irish made their own Science of acupuncture that had this Beautiful Irish knot design of how energy flows through you. It was also non linear and 3d?
What is the problem with spraying glyphosate on crops? -It disrupts completely different physiological pathways in the nutrients of the food. The glyphosate kills the crop so it can be dry enough to harvest sooner than if it were left to die naturally — allowing the farmer to clear the field before the onset of unfavorable weather. … This in turn allows successive crops to be sowed earlier and improves weed control.?
What was special about the masculine right after world war 2? – It had captured the most energetic power than ever before and not given Any space for the feminine to grow. The masculine is contributing to higher rates of suicide, depression, health issues and violence in male populations. Conformity to toxic masculine behaviour such as dominance and aggression is harmful to our society as a whole. This desire for superiority challenges basic human rights and can be linked to the prevalence of harassment and sexual assaults. ?
Why is the tipping point gonna be in 2028 – It is a concurrent of indigenous wisdom‘s and it starts an interesting part of your human structure -genetic structure. Phonons are a quantum of energy or a quasiparticle associated with a compressional wave such as sound or a vibration of a crystal lattice. The water within you, your bones, your genetics are all interlinked, ?
What does it mean when a virus goes rampant? – It means it’s time for change and evolve ?
What information is coming out of black holes? – The structured information of the whole universe ?
Why do people demonize viruses and why shouldn’t? – because viruses are associated with death and disease. Viruses shouldn’t be hated because they are a genetic data bank for adaptation of all life and they are not against life. ?
What makes you – “intelligence in action”? – It’s not the genes, it’s the 98.5 percent of the other DNA that makes the intelligent. We even called it “junk dna” because we thought it did nothing. It is the field ?
What are the 2 paths in combating cancer – One is fear and guilt and the other is love, acceptance, and absolute truth. ?
What more can cats do that humans can’t? – they can see the energy of life forms and see things on a higher level of understanding. A way that we can’t even imagine ?
Why don’t we see water when we cut into the human body – because it’s not in a liquid state, it’s in the fourth stage of water that looks like jello but it actually is a crystalline structure of h2o. ?
What is sound healing? – It is playing a vibration, frequency, sound that makes the water in your body remember the sacred geometry of the universe. This re-tunes you. ?
What was the quote from kabir? – “All darkness disappears when you light the lamp in your heart”?
Why is the plight of humankind so in interest to the rest of the universe – because if we manage to stabilize this chakra center it could change everything in the universe. ?
Why are we here? – You are here to witness the beauty with temporal bodies and your mind that cannot comprehend the singularity. ?