The Value of Feedback
Dr. Sarah Larsen Interviews Nassim Haramein on the value of feedback and languaging for conscious living. Let him show you how the feedback he uses in his research can be used to serve you in your relationships.
Nassim discusses how he, in his everyday life, has learned that when his children are behaving difficulty, they are reflecting his feelings. If he is feeling anxious or has worries about something, his children are reflecting what is going on inside of him. When Nassim shifts his energy, his children’s energy shifts. (minute 22)
How Important is Languaging?
Dr. Sarah shares that Language is critical. When you label something, you put it in a box. Then it is difficult to expand on it because it is in a box.
Nassim Haramein coined the word “Black Whole” to distinguish from the current concept of a Black Hole. The current concept of “Black Hole” is that it swallows everything. Nassim Haramein’s mathematics shows it is spinning way to fast to swallow everything, the “Black Whole” flings things out, and there is an exchange of what is going out and coming in. (minute 39)
Both having led trips to Egypt, Dr. Sarah Larsen and Nassim Haramein both know that Symbols are the most beautiful form of language., Nassim would have loved language to stay in hieroglyphic form. It is a higher communication form than words. Symbols are clearer than words. Symbols have to do with fundamental science. “We may not understand the theory, but the symbol awakens something inside of us.” The holographic universe within us recognizes that which is on the walls. (minute 41:10)
Consciousness is not just in your brain. Your whole body is receiving and sending information into the field. ~ Nassim Haramein